🎄Day 16 - CS55🎄

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"What- oh, the suit."

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It was just another day at the garage, another day of practice. I sat in the garage with my headphones on, watching the screens as the cars loudly passed by on the other side of the pits.

Carlos was driving well, the team had hope for a good position in the race on Sunday. Charles was doing well too, but some of his mechanics found some errors and believed they might be risky.

Poor Charles. It's always him.

Every time Carlos' race engineer told him to bring the car in, I got excited. And it was obvious of course. Some of the guys chuckled, others commented on "how cute" it was, but I ignored all of them.

Because the only people I really wanted to talk to apart from Carlos were those who designed their suits for this race.

Monza 2022. Yellow suits, black fireproofs.

The things it did to Carlos, to me. His eyes seemed brighter, his hair more lustrous, and everything about him better than ever before.

A familiar sound came from the screens and I looked up to see that the session had ended.

Soon enough Carlos' car pulled up, and the mechanics brought it back into the garage. I sat quietly and waited patiently for him to get out of the car.

He stepped out, fixed the wheel back on and only then walked to the back of the garage. He spotted me and made a detour towards me, offering his hand.

I grabbed it and followed him into his locker room. As I shut the door behind me, he took off his helmet and exhaled completely.

"Hi," I finally greeted him, which made him smile.

"Hello, mi amor," he leaned forward and pecked my lips.

I sat down on his massage bed as he began taking off his racing attire.

First, he slipped his shoes off, and then he grabbed the zipper by his neck, which made me nervous.

He slowly pulled it down, making me smile even more so.

"What?" he asked, still pulling it down.

I pulled my knees up to my chin, leaning on them.

"Amore, what is it?" he required an answer.

"Huh?" I looked up at him, coming back from being zoned out, "oh, nothing."

I nodded towards his fireproofs and he finally understood.

"What- oh, the suit."

I nodded: "Yes."

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"Like it?" I began, "I love your suit. So much so that I need you to wear it tonight."

He smirked, giving me a wink: "I can do that."

"Thank you, baby," I smiled, getting up and walking towards him, leaving a kiss on his cheek.

"Of course," he held me back from leaving the room, "Anything for mi amore."

I smiled: "Te amo."

He leaned forward and kissed me gently: "I love you, sweetheart."

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