🎄Day 20 - MV1🎄

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"Woah, you really are cold."

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I woke up shivering in bed, the covers were nowhere to be found and my yoga shorts seemed really inefficient at the moment.

I opened my eyes to try and spot where it was, but I was blind in the dark. Max was sound asleep next to me with not a care in the world. Today was the last race of the year, and after a long time of hard work, he finally took the deepest rest and best sleep he could find just for himself.

At this point I was really cold, so I stood up from the edge of the bed. Big mistake, considering the floor here was made out of stone because it got really hot during the day. Oh, desert climate.

I rushed to the bathroom, where I knew there were extra blankets and grabbed about two of them, bringing them back towards the bedroom.

When I entered the room, I spotted Max's face mysteriously illuminated by his phone's screen.

"It's three am, are you okay?" he asked, putting his phone to the side and turning on the lamp beside him. A warm light filled the room and I quickly hopped onto the bed, finally spotting where our original covers had gone.

"It's really cold," I said, feeling the shiver going through my body as I did. He chuckled and helped me unfold the blankets to put them over us. He also grabbed the large covers from the floor and placed them over the blankets.

I wiggled into the covers, but still felt cold as goosebumps covered my body. Max noticed me shivering and got closer to me, grabbing me and pressing my back onto his chest.

I took a deep breath, wrapping his arms around mine. But I was out of luck. Two minutes later I began shivering again, feeling every inch of my skin freeze.

"Baby how are you so cold? We're in the desert," Max said, kissing my shoulder.

I shrugged: "I don't know. But there is something people have told me helps a lot."

Max smirked: "Oh really?"

"Jeez Max, not everything is dirty," I rolled my eyes, to which he laughed.

He adored this kind of joke.

I smiled at him and he grew impatient: "What's the solution?"

I pushed myself off him and turned to look at him, leaning onto my elbow: "Take your shirt off."

He frowned: "I thought you said not to be dirty-minded?"

"Exactly, so shush, Verstappen," I replied, making him grin.

Max did as I asked and took off his shirt, lying back down on the bed: "What now?"

I lay back down on the bed: "Hug me all night."

His smile was adorable as he pulled me into him, his warm skin meeting with my cold one.

"Woah, you really are cold," he said.

I nodded: "I need you to keep me warm, Max."

He smiled, kissing my shoulder again.

We intertwined our hands and wrapped our legs around each other. Max turned off the light and we soon felt the warmth return to our bodies.

"Thank you, baby," I said, pecking his lips.

He smiled: "Of course, I love you,"

His lips met with mine again: "I love you, too."

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