Private Chef pt. 3 ≪◦ ❈ ◦≫ Lando Norris

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A while had passed since Japan and I became more nervous as the day approached. Lando had texted me saying his flight had arrived on time. I couldn't follow him on the Grands Prix after Suzuka, so it took a while before he finally returned to the UK.


What's the quickest way to yours, then?

Don't worry, I'll swing by and pick you up. Sound good?

Sounds perfect.

I felt my heart racing as I looked down at my screen. It had been months since I'd seen Lando and I missed him. I missed his eyes, and his grin when he stared at me. How his lips parted when he laughed, or how he winked at me when I walked by.

After the two practice sessions, we left the paddock separately and met in the evening for a nice formal dinner with the team. Lando introduced me to various people- including Oscar, who is now one of my favourite Aussies alongside Daniel.

He and I spent a while talking about funny things Lando does in the garage and ways to annoy him. In the end, I left that restaurant with a perfect checklist of what to do if I ever wanted to annoy him.

Luckily I knew I wouldn't need it, so I told Oscar to keep it for himself and one day, when I was bored, I would come pick up the list. Spoiler alert, one of the items on the list starts with f- and ends with -ish.

I also met Zak and Andrea. They were so kind and happy towards Lando and Oscar that it made my night. The food was incredible and the service was immaculate.

After dinner, the team left and Lando and I made our way to his car. He kindly drove me to my hotel and held my hand as we walked towards the entrance.

"I had fun today," I said quietly.

Lando smiled and stepped forward, pressing a gentle kiss onto my lips: "Me too."

We stared at each other for a while with smiles on our faces, until I realised what day it was.

"What's wrong?" Lando asked, caressing my hand.

I looked up at him: "My flight back to the UK is tomorrow afternoon. I won't be able to see the race."

Lando's expression saddened for a moment, but he pulled himself together and smiled: "That's fine, Y/n. I'll come visit you in the UK."

"Really?" I smiled, causing him to chuckle and nod.

"Yes, but it will have to be after the double-header in two weeks."

I nodded: "That's fine."

So now, as I stood waiting at the arrival gate, my heart was pounding. There were so many people around me waiting for their family members to arrive.

My hands were quite sweaty and I felt heat creep up my cheeks.

Every time someone walked through the gate, my heart rate spiked.

I saw little children running towards their grandparents arriving, young adults running to their lovers, and friends hugging each other.

But as soon as I saw the black trousers and Quadrant hoodie, my heart dropped. I stepped forward through the crowd, heading in his direction.

I concentrated on his eyes as he searched for me. When he finally did see me, his expression shifted to a smile so full of joy, that it made me speed up.

When I found a space to squeeze through, I rushed towards him, throwing my arms around his neck and tightly hugging him.

Lando buried his face in the crook of my neck and I inhaled his scent that I missed so much.

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