Hungover ≪◦ ❈ ◦≫ Charles Leclerc

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My dry throat wakes me up from my deep slumber, aching for even a drop of water. I get up from bed, feeling a light ache in my leg muscles. Loads of dancing, probably.

Charles is sound asleep, and the bedroom is still dark. I yawn as I step into the kitchen, seeing the bright sunshine through the window. I check the time and groan: "Shit."

11.34 am.

The water reopens my throat and activates my vocal cords, refreshing my brain and giving me life. Hangover water is the best. It only doesn't beat 3 am water.

I put the glass down and opened the fridge, grabbing two eggs, a fresh loaf of bread, and an avocado. I cook the eggs, toast the bread, and cut up the avocado, adding spices I know Charles likes.

When everything is finished, I place it all on a tray along with two glasses of orange juice, carrying it all back to the bedroom.

Charles is all over the place, with his legs stretched over more than half of the bed. I sigh, knowing his hangover won't be good.

He looked fine yesterday, but we both know one Tequila shot too much means waking up on an abandoned train track off the border of Mexico.

But it was the New Year's party, so we let ourselves loose. Maybe even a bit too loose, but we'll see.

I put the tray onto a desk, stepping towards the bed. I slide onto the mattress, letting my fingertips wander over his back, gently waking him from sleep.

Charles doesn't budge, the sleep has taken him into a deep slumber. I smile, watching him sleep. His adorable face makes me blush to myself, realising that this man is the same one who tells me: "Good morning, beautiful." every day and shows me more love than I had ever experienced before.

The same one who looks at me like I'm an angel who descended from heaven just to bless him.

It takes a while, but his chest soon expands more than when he was breathing rhythmically, taking a deep breath.

He frowns, pressing his eyes shut before slowly blinking and opening the doors to his ocean eyes.

"Hi, baby," I whisper, careful not to be too loud.

He starts to smile and tries to move, immediately regretting his choice. He groans, pressing his eyes back shut.

I frown, worried about him and carefully caressing his temple. Leaning forward, I leave a sweet kiss on his forehead.

"I'll get the Aspirin, you stay here. I made breakfast, okay?" I whisper, smiling when I see a nod come from Charles.

I quickly rush to the bathroom, grab the Aspiring bottle and take it back to our bedroom. Charles managed to sit up and grab a glass of water. He takes a sip, groaning and leaning his head back against the bed's headrest.

I smile, feeling a bit sorry for him as I lean against the doorframe, the pills in hand. He turns his head, seeing me.

I grin: "You okay there?"

He sighs, shaking his head: "No."

I chuckle, walk towards him, put the pills down and sit next to him. With one of my hands, I remove some hair from over his eyes as he watches my every move.

"Do you remember last night?" I ask, finally making eye contact. He closes his eyes while I caress his skin, melting into my touch.

"I remember shouting, happy laughs and..." he leans his head on mine, the weight of fatigue pulling him down.

"...kissing you happy new year."

My cheeks heat up while Charles decides to continue his slumber and he slides into the covers. I follow his motions, resting my head on the pillow. He wraps his arms around me and puts his head on my stomach.

His movements are slow though, so it takes a while for him to reach his destination. I realise the food is still on the desk, but there's nothing I can do with Charles lying on me.

Instead, I caress his head, gently massaging his hair's roots, hearing him let a moan slip now and then.

I make sure the covers are nice and tight over the two of us and wrap my legs around his upper body.

Charles tightens the wrap around my stomach, pulling me impossibly close to him. I kiss his forehead, letting the kisses drop down to his cheeks, nose, jawline and neck.

Suddenly I feel a hand wrap around my neck, pulling me towards Charles' face for a deep kiss. I oblige, kissing him back and closing my eyes.

Charles holds me close, exploring every inch of my mouth, kissing every part, even slowly moving to my neck.

We soon fall asleep in each other's arms, holding each other, caressing each other, loving each other.

It doesn't take long for Charles' breaths to return to their rhythmic pattern. My fatigue from the night before reenters my body and pulls me into a deep slumber.

I feel my head get heavy into the pillow. My body takes over and I fall asleep, too.

Everything seems peaceful until a sudden ringing coming from Charles' phone wakes us both up, freaking me out.

I jump, looking for the source of the sound. Charles groans and turns around, seeing his phone vibrate.

He grabs it, looks at the screen, groans, and answers the call.

"Quoi?" he says harshly, clearly annoyed with it.

I hear a distant voice through the phone and recognize Charles' brother's voice, Arthur.

I chuckle at how annoyed Charles sounds as he talks to his little brother.

He continues his conversation and I lean my head on his chest, closing my eyes again. His voice calms down a bit, letting the conversation be less aggressive.

After a while, he puts his phone down and looks down at me, who falls asleep on his chest. He kisses my forehead and goes back to sleep himself.


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