🎄Day 21 - DR3🎄

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"I love this tattoo."

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"Hey," I greeted him, climbing into bed and pulling the covers over me.

"Hi, babe," his Australian accent answered as he leaned down to peck my lips.

I lingered for a while, smiling to myself. He chuckled, letting his smile shine through.

Daniel was wearing a pair of glasses while reading a book.

"What are those?" I asked, not having noticed the glasses before.

"Oh, these?" Daniel smirked, taking his glasses off and looking at them, "These are my reading glasses."

I smiled, a bit confused: "Since when do you wear glasses, Danny?"

But he only smirked, as if he knew something: "Because you love them."

I frowned, feeling a blush work on my cheeks: "What do you mean?"

He chuckled: "You find men who wear glasses more attractive, Y/n."

I chuckled nervously, and it made him laugh even more.

"Okay, "I said, leaning against the headboard, "but not only that."

Daniel put his book and glasses down, turning his body to face me.

"What else, then?" he asked.

I smiled before replying with: "I find men who have tattoos to be very, let's say interesting as well."

Daniel didn't hold himself back: "You mean they turn you on?"


"What? It's true, isn't it?!" he held his hands up as if to show he was innocent.

I smiled, blushing and nodded. Daniel began to get comfortable for bed and I decided to do the same, cuddling the blanket.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in as the little spoon. He was nice and warm and lying next to him felt more comfortable than any other space or sofa in the world.

I intertwined our hands, looking at all of his tattoos and letting my fingertips wander over the delicate lines.

I took my time with the rose on his left hand, tracing every line, every change in tint, every petal, every leaf.

"I love this tattoo," I said, kissing the skin where it was.

Daniel smiled, kissing my shoulder and neck: "And I love that you love it."

I smiled as well, deciding to turn around to face him. He smiled at me while looking into my eyes, looking at my hair, my eyebrows, my lashes.

He caressed my cheek, kissed my forehead and spoke sweet things.

I felt safe in his arms, like myself. He told me how beautiful he thought I was, and how he saw me as a royal figure.

He said his stomach made him nervous every time I would walk on the paddock.

When he saw me for the first time he thought he would never see me again, because I was just a fan who happened to have paddock passes.

But he was immensely relieved when he spotted me walking back to the McLaren garage and hanging out there for most of the time.

He hesitated and was shy at first, but soon came up to me and even answered some of my questions about the car, the races, etc.

"Are you getting tired?" he asked, seeing me struggle to keep my eyes open.

I shook my head but yawned at the same moment. Daniel laughed.

"Okay," he said, "let's have a good nights' sleep, shall we?"

I nodded with my eyes closed as I huddled closer into him.

He kissed my forehead: "Good night, babe."

"Good night, Danny," I said half asleep.

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A/n: P.S.: don't forget to vote for the next two drivers! So far, I will be writing one for Oscar, but the second slot is still open for votes!

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