🎄Day 13 - GR63🎄

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"Are you warm enough?"

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"What do you mean, there's no heating?" Cara asked.

"Well, it was supposed to get fixed yesterday but the repairmen got snowed in, so there's a delay,"  her mother stated.

"Look's like it'll be a cold Christmas after all, then," Steve laughed, earning a dirty look from his wife and daughter.

George and I, who witnessed the conversation from the kitchen, looked at each other and seemed to have the exact same idea.

"Uh- mum?" George put down the glass of water he had in his hand and stepped towards his mother.

"Yes, dear?"

"There's a pile of blankets downstairs."

His mother nodded: "Yes, yes there is."

George's sister frowned: "What are you up to?"

"You know how you wanted to watch a Christmas movie with everyone all together?" George went on.

"Yes," his mother confirmed.

George stood there, proud of his choice of words. But neither of the women seemed to understand what the young Brit meant.

I sighed and walked to the living room: "What George means is we could grab all the blankets from downstairs, wrap ourselves up in them, huddle together on the sofa and watch a film."

Now Cara's face lit up: "You should've just said that."

"Said what?" Suddenly Benjy walked down the stairs.

"Film? Yes or no, Benjy?" I pointed at him.

He shrugged: "Yeah, sure, why not?"

"Good," Alison said, "George, and Benjy, go downstairs and grab the blankets. Steve, go make sure they don't destroy the house on the way and the girls and I will make popcorn and bring sweets.

Everyone went to work and soon enough we were all sat on the sofa, each wrapped in two blankets so that we didn't freeze in the cold air and huddled together.

George and I were hidden together under a pile of blankets and I held a big bowl of popcorn as I sat in his lap.

"Are you warm enough?" he asked me and I nodded back, which led to him leaving a sweet kiss on my cheek.

I giggled and smiled up at him.

Cara turned on the TV and searched for a Christmas film with the help of her mother. It took a while but they settled for The Polar Express. We were all in need of a little nostalgia.

"Y/n," I suddenly heard.

"Yes?" I whispered back.

George placed his head on my shoulder: "You're my favorite."

I smiled: "Favorite what?"

He shrugged: "Everything."

It made me smile and happy with myself for the rest of my day.

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