🎄Day 5 - CS55🎄

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"Aah! There's flour in my hair!" "Well, you threw it first!"

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"Okay, this is everything we need," he puts his hands on his hips as he admires the kitchen counter he set perfectly.

"So you're finally done preparing what we need to prepare pancakes?" I look up from the sofa, having waited for a while now.

He mocks me: "Could you have said that any more complicated?"

I roll my eyes and laugh, getting up from the sofa and walking towards him. There's flour, sugar, honey, vanilla extract, milk and eggs on the counter.

"You know, Carlos, considering the amount of time you needed to prepare all this," I point at the things, "I at least expected you to have grabbed a pan."

He looks around and realises he forgot it: "Ay, shit."

I chuckle, making him glare at me.

"What?" I say.

"You should just be grateful you're my girlfriend. If it were Lando, I would've thrown an egg in his face."

I laugh: "You wouldn't dare to do that to me."

He grins: "No, but I have a better idea."

"I can pass on your pancakes if that's what you mean," I smirk.

"Okay," he says, secretly grabbing a bit of flour without me seeing, "but it's not what I mean."

He quickly blows on the flour in his hand, making it fly all over my face and clothes. I stare at the mess with an open mouth, slowly raising my gaze to meet Carlos'.

He's grinning and can't hold his laughter back.

The payback comes quickly: I grab a handful of flour and throw it at him. He's shocked and sees the state his hair is in.

"Aah! There's flour in my hair!" he panics.

"Well, you threw it first!" I answer while laughing.

That made him mad and he ran after me, picking me up and carrying me back to the kitchen to set me up on the counter.

While I try to get out of his grip, he grabs another handful of flour and dumps it straight on my head. I freeze, unable to move.

There's flour everywhere.

"Payback," he smirks.

"Oh, yeah?" I grin, grabbing an egg and smashing it on his head.

"Y/n!" he exclaims. I quickly grab my phone and take a picture of him, sending it to Lando before he could do anything.

"How dare you," he chuckles, turning around to walk towards the sink.

But I grab his wrist and turn him back to me, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately.

He smiles and leans in more, holding onto my waist.

I feel the egg dripping on my nose but Carlos continues kissing me.

"Did I ever tell you I love you?" he says, the egg on his head making it impossible to stay serious.

I laugh while nodding: "Yes, you did."

"Well, I love you, Y/n," he smiles.

What I don't realise, though, is his free hand grabbing an egg.

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