🎄Day 2 - CL16🎄

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"It's important to me. You're important to me."

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My heart pounded as I woke up from a nightmare, sweating and shivering.

My hands were damp, and my neck felt hot but I found myself freezing under the blankets.

I crawled out of bed, careful not to wake Charles and put on one of his hoodies before I made my way to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass of water, I drank a bit to calm my nerves and stared at the lifeless apartment.

It was snowing outside, and the gentle falling of the snowflakes calmed me. I stepped towards the big windows and stood close to them to watch the calming scenery.

I felt embarrassed for having a nightmare. I felt like a child for not just going back to bed.

So I decided to go back and just forget it happened, though I was on the verge of tears. I turned around and placed the glass in the sink, but when I looked up he was standing there, leaning against the wall.

Wearing his sweatpants and a black shirt that hugged his body- the way he always slept.

His eyes met mine, and he knew something was off. He always knew.

"Baby," he whispered, still half asleep, "is everything okay?"

And it pushed me over the edge. I shook my head, feeling the tears of fear and embarrassment stream down my face.

"Hey," in three steps he reached me and took me into his arms, hugging me tightly.

I let myself cry into his arms, understanding just how much was locked up inside me.

Charles wrapped his arms around my waist, gently lifting me and carrying me towards the sofa, grabbing a large blanket as well, and wrapping it around us.

He sat in the corner of our large sofa, holding me close and making sure I felt protected and safe.

Charles gave me time to recover, patiently waiting for me to explain, though I only felt embarrassed.

"What happened?" he asked as he wiped the tears from my cheeks.

I sniffed, looking down at my hands as I sat in his lap. The blanket was wrapped around the two of us, keeping us close and warm at the same time.

The shiver from before was gone.

"I just- it's not even that important-" I felt my throat shut again and hesitated.

His right hand slid around me, caressing my lower back. With his left, he put a loose strand of hair behind my ear to see my face more clearly.

He pulled my chin up and my eyes met with his again.

"It's important to me. You're important to me," his words were gentle and they gave me the confidence I lacked.

"It was just a bad dream," I said.

He smiled gently, caressing my cheek.

"That's okay. Nightmares can be scary. But it's nothing to be embarrassed about. I get them too."

"Yeah?" I asked.

He nodded: "Sometimes it's always the same one even."

I leaned back against him: "What happens in it?"

He smiled: "I'm driving the last lap of a race, and just before I can win, my engineer says one thing over the radio."

I frowned, turning to face him: "What's that?"

He grinned: "Box box."

His laughter was contagious, making me smile.

"You see, nightmares are just a dream's cousin. They seem real, but they only are if you cause them to happen in real life."

I smile, comforted by his words. His hand on my cheek wanders down to my jaw and neck to gently pull me in for a kiss.

Our lips melt together and I feel safety and warmth come back to me. My embarrassment is gone.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"Of course, ma chérie," he kisses my forehead.

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