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These distinguish versions of time, still close to each other.

You can't someone who you are if you don't go through horrible things and you can't be someone who you want to be if you don't use your present time for better future.

People always say that live in present, don't seek for future or know burden yourself in past.

But honestly I have never live in past, present or future. I just exist.
Just like the winds drifting in the sky.

Just like the darkness at night.

Just like the waves in water.

Just like the stones on the mountains.

The constant present with no past and no idea about the future.

I feel like the small bud in blossom who never got a chance to bloom.

I feel like suffocating drowning myself in ocean with salt water no way out only deep gloomy darkness.

they say don't live in past, i never did, even for once.....but i didn't live in present to. i always want to know about my grown-up version. want to know what will I become in future. Will i be happy, will i be content? I can't imagine myself, even if i close my eyes. i will be standing in the dark cause i don't know what i want? i don't want?

I wish I knew.

I wish i don't waste time.

i wish i don't let it slip away.

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