PART 2: I have a friend

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I have a friend,

and he says we are friends because we can't make friends even if someone held us at gunpoint,
So we just stick to each other.

(Her pov)

We have nothing in common.

He speaks like he had the world at his fingertips.

He dances, sings,cooks and paints too.

Talented, too skilled for his own good.

He had pretty brown eyes similar to everyone's like the colour of coffee with a cheshire smirk.

(His pov)

We have nothing in common.

She smiles carrying the scar of betrayal from the world.

She writes as if it's the only thing she could ever do.

She listens to whatever you say, for everybody else she is too good.

She has a mole behind her ears, i bet she will never know.

Her poker face is literally her depressed face.

(Mix pov)

We have nothing in common.

But whenever he cries she holds his shoulders and lets him. (She never tells him to stop and be a man.)

Most of the time she listens but whenever she speaks he listens. (He even makes unhinged comments.)

We have nothing in common.

He likes sunrise and i like sunset, so we wake in the dawn and see the sunrise sleep till dusk and watch sunset together.

She likes to walk but i can't so we take the bus and get off it one stop before our station and then walk to home.

He can't write, i write for him to sing.

She can't cook, i teach her how.

We may not have anything in common but we have everything we need.

I have a friend and we both are sticking to each other because we can't make friends even with our life at stake but i think I don't anyone beside him.


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