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There is a window in my room.

And It's nothing special, the view itself is nothing majestic or anything.

On days like this , I typically like to watch the world running from the still square.

I watched it change, from the bright blue to thick dark grey, the day changed into night.

I laid in complete darkness, the rustling of leaves can be clearly heard from the thin walls of room. 

I laid down on my bed and watched the reflection of the window everytime a car ran fastly towards the destination. 

I stayed in silence to watch the chaos of the world. And it's nothing new,

But, on other days,

I simply breath, deeply, and sigh trying to make the exhaustion in me go away.

I sit up, as if looking out from the window,

There is this song playing in the background too, it kind of makes me feel blue.

The blue sky, pretty shapes of white clouds morphed into layers of grey dusk, meaninglessly losing its significance.

The sky was grey, a dark cluster of clouds, as if the nature had sensed the melancholy of life and learnt to convert itself to resemble life.

I leaned on the frame, the metal felt cold over my skin, almost sending shivers to my spine.

There was no one, the highway was still as dead, maybe killing so many people killed it too.

One instance, I was leaning on the frame. At another one, my body was out of frame.

As if I wanted to run free on the deathbed.

Unbothered by my actions, the wind goes its way. The breeze in my hair, air floats, how it feels like to float leaving everything behind.

Probably watching the dance of wind, it must have felt good.

My focus divides into particularly nothing as the mind wanders over the unrealistic thoughts,

It felt clogging, creeping in my heart, my body burnt in unpleasant flames, I felt heavier, as if the invisible weight on my chest, 

As if I was the protagonist in the storyline of the ruined world.

The wind blows harsher, as a matter of fact, I could see it moving, the white haze.

And suddenly it hit me, since when was it this cold?

White? White fog moving under a grey background. How cinematic.

I broke into smile, laughed over my silly thought. 

And for the first time, the silence listened to the melody of voice, I also listened my giggles resonating, in the space. 

And it's nothing new, if I confess this to person in real life they might think I am wierd. 

But even if one day changed to another or one year changed to the next. 

I can sit and watch, no matter how much time, no matter how many days have passed, 

Because, the company I enjoy is my own. 

There is a window in my room.

And It's nothing ordinary, the view itself is nothing special but something I seek after a long day. 

There is a window in my room. 

There is a window.....

There is a .......

Window in my room .........


And things like this makes me happy.

I hope reading this makes you smile too. 


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