Let's talk

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These small talks doesn't fascinates me anymore, I want someone whom with I can share my depth thoughts about everything. I don't you to tell me how are you, I want you to tell me why are you like, what made you like this. Let's talk about everything and nothing. Tell me your pains, your fears, your loss. Let me hear about your joys, your happiness and your gains. Speak for me, let me hear you now. 

A generation where everyone wants to text. I like the idea of writing too, so let's write, on paper. You and I all cuddled up, without any skin expose, so intimate. Let's write. Let's write about everything and nothing. Let me hear you giggles, your squeak in happiness, crack in pain. 

I will hear about everything you say, ensure you that everything will be alright. I will ensure you, hold you, and provide comfort you. I am a little dumb so I can't understand what wrong so can you tell me what's wrong. Let me believe you by your words, let me hear your sounds and let me admire your eyes.

Let's talk about day and night, sun and moon, stars and galaxy, ocean and tree, you and I.

So speak, speak for me.

Let me hear you.

Let's talk.


I really like to talk alot. Even with my anti conversational skills, i really like to speak and listen someone speak

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