where are you? now?

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Where are you? You promised me.
Where are you? The you who told me not to worry much, 'i
will always be by your side."

Where are you? You told me, you understand me.
Where are you? The you who make me know that 'where
will i even go, beside you i have no one by my side.'

Where are you? I am waiting by our place, the sea under
my feet suddenly feel shallow.
Where are you? Was your promise or it was the sea who is

Do you remember our place, by the side of the sea, no one
knew, no one can reach here, it was just me and you, lone
and vulnerable i let myself free for you to judge and stare.

Where are you? We were best of friends. We were sad, hurt,
torn apart by the world, but we were happy, we were

Where are you? You were my best friend, but did i fail to
become yours? Was it all the lie, now i stroll in the same
path holding the dead and shed petals of our flower.

Where are you? Tell me, answer me, why aren't you here?
The moon is the same, the sun is the same,
Still my heart aches, the soothing moon hurts me now, the blinding light of the sun burns me with its tenderness now.

My house is where it was, my number is still the same.
You have changed, i have changed too,
But you forget me as if i never exist, i remember you now
more than ever.

Where are you? Are you regretting not calling me before?
Don't regret just come to me, smile and say nothing and
no more.
Please come back to me, I can't, i want please, i want you

Where are you? You are not hurting me anymore?
i walk by the same path of misery, it hurts but i keep on
going and walking in the path thinking there will be a time
you will come and I will find you there waiting for me.

Where are you? I hurt myself now.
I keep on thinking you will come back.
I was your favourite book, and now you don't read
But i still keep thinking you will come back.

You were my favourite book,and i kept on reading, till I
don't even remember anyone beside you, I don't
remember me anymore.

Where are you? Tell me.
Where are you now?Answer me.

Where are you? I am still on the seesaw.
Did you get off first?
Where are you? I am still waiting for you by the seashore.

Did you forget me?
Did you not remember me like your favourite book now, or
do you just regret meeting me?

where are you now?
You cut me off like i didn't exist.
Where are you now? You healed me and broke me even more.


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