The only reason I cried

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Silence was the only reason I cried,

When my mother asked me those questions, her voice cold, tune hurting, almost cutting my heart in two.

Despite knowing vocabularies in three different languages I could not even compose words and could not even gather them into sentences.

I could only stare at how useless I have become. I would always be that defenseless, weak, fragile girl she needed to protect.

 I could not even take her words of worry and No maa, please don't look at me with so much guilt. you did not do anything wrong. 

I am not crying because of you but because of my own silence.


Like imagine having a friend and this is written on the backside of her physics notebook, what will you what will be your first thought.
Because that's what happened to me, and my friend laughed and asked me if this is based on reality.
Like why did she laughed??? I'm confused.....

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