The beauty of Impermanence

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"We all know we would eventually die one day so should we stop living then?"

Impermanence:  something which is not permanent.

I always knew that nothing would last forever.... all the precious hobbies, all the happiness, sadness, these greatest friendships, this time, interests.....they all will fade.... eventually creasing to none.

And a few days ago i got stuck with this, i remember me taking a decision that i will stop writing because for quite a few time it was a very prized hobby of mine.

But after so many days of writing, almost three years, i kind of stumble on the thought.... what's the gain out of it?

I am not getting any kind of materialistic award from this or the satisfaction i used to feel whenever i write is now converting into hollowness of incapability in my heart or never the momentary appreciation from anyone.

So i thought and thought.....coming to the conclusion that i will stop. I will not write from no onwards and just finish one story of mine that i always wanted to write and then i will leave this platform.

But now i think about of it, what do i even want to gain from this?

In the first place, did i started to write because i want any kind of materialistic award?
I started to write because i can why do i even care if someone reads or not?
I write because whenever the words flows and my hands glides to write them...i feel proud.

So why do i even care if someone praise me or not?

If there is hollowness that make me feel incapable then it means that i can do more....i can write better.

In the broader perspective we all could only be better if things are not permanent.

Do you think if we had settled for one simple thing without changing we would be like really better?

We should change time to time, leave things behind and move forward.

I know I won't be writing for always, some day i will have to stop but just because someday i have to stop doesn't mean i should stop right now.

Just because i knew while befriending the one sweet girl on the last month of my class knowing that we would eventually stop talking doesn't mean i can't enjoy the time we were together and for once she made me realise how it feels like to have someone waiting for you by the door just to enter in the class.

Just because i knew these groups will eventually stop making music and one day will stop then should i stop myself from enjoying the music.

Just because i knew my favourite author won't ever come back then should i stop myself from reading the book.

No, right?

Then don't stop.

Do whatever you want.
I will do too.

Let's enjoy while it lasts.

Everything doesn't have to stay for forever, learn to move away and cry while saying goodbye but whenever you look back don't cling on the memories of past that you stop being grateful for present and your future get distrub because of that.

You shouldn't cry from sadness when look back.
You should smile with relief when you look back.

This is the beauty of impermanence, nothing last for forever, nothing have to last for forever.

Every writer can't keep writing one story, eventually they have to end the story to write something else.

Don't feel the burden to move forward, what you just finished was a chapter not the story and even if that was the story, then remember your story may have end but not your life.

With so much love that you can't handle!!!
Love, daze<3

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