I have a friend

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Here two friends who were happy for each other but somehow insecure about themselves.


I have a friend and

We both are artists, like he would say.

(My pov)

He is a singer and I am a writer. 

We were sitting on the rooftop of my home, silently content, 

Then he asked me, 'hey can you write something for me, I will sing it for you.' 

With hesitation that broke the harmony of contentment, 

And I half-heartedly replied, 'Okay I would write something but don't expect much from me.' 

I wrote some words on the notepad of his mobile, he sang those words on the rooftop of mine. 

As he sang, I wondered if my words were this beautiful or if it was because of his singing. 

He sings so beautifully, 

All my thoughts were about him.

I wanted him to move forward, 

I prayed for his success, 

I don't want him to stop singing, today, tomorrow or ever. 

I wish he could sing all he wants. 

But my heart burn at the sight of him effortlessly singing, 

I always wanted to learn how to sing. 

I always wanted to sing like this, so softly, like him. 

I wish I could sing like him.

(His pov)

This is so good . 

She writes really beautifully,

I wonder if she could write more?

Since when did she start writing this well?

I wish she could write all she wants.

Apart from all the supportive thoughts, her words felt like mocking and laughing at me. 

She writes stories, how could she write better lyrics than a singer. 

How I am a singer if I could not even write my own songs?

I always wanted to learn how to write.

I always wanted to write like this, so beautifully, like her. 

I wish I could write like her. 

(Author pov)

'I wish I could sing like you.'

'I wish I could write like you.' 

We both said at the same time. 

At that we realised....

'Can I write what you sing? '

'Can I sing what you write?'

We both asked at the same time. 

We smiled, and thought

But atleast I can write. 

But atleast I can sing. 

I have a friend, 

and we both are artists, like I would say. 


Matter of fact I do write some lyrics and songs but I can't sing. 

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