I have a friend: end

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i have a friend, 

and we don't talk anymore.

his pov:




(Her pov)

last night, on my phone, 

my fingers searched the name of yours. 

one click, i was away, just one click but,

my eyes saw something which was meant to stay behind the screens.

that day, when i saw you in the streets you were still the same, 

you somehow was different, as if i never known you, as if the time we spent was a mirage. 

you smiled looking at me, took a step forward....that smile scared me, i took a step backward.

you are the not the same....not anymore, everything was left behind. 

i cussed, i cried, i walked away,i never looked at you again. 

but we were so happy, when did we started to walk so differently. 

our dreams, our goals, ambitions to tore the world apart. 

we worked so hard, in the deserts lies the sand. 

were you like this from the start?

if i could had done something, could it any different?

i had a friend and, i don't know where did i lost him. 

the last time, i saw him he was my friend, 

now if i look him, he looks same, but he is not my friend. 

not anymore....


this is the end of this little poem thingy....it has one more part but i couldn't fit that into the concept...so i dropped that idea. 

this has like two ends

one, where two friends over caming every problem together but somehow they lost the sight and they walked in two completely different paths and here she is thinking if she had known and did something to save him.... could it be any different. they changed and it has nothing to do with time. 

and i had also thought of  alternative end where all of this would be like only her imagination but then it could not blend with other parts i have written before so i choose the other one but ironically i had started to write this whole thing with this end in my mind and since my hands have different brain i ended up writing something completely different. 

anyways thanks for reading. everyone who had read the book and voted, commented even if you didn't thanks for reading. 

love, daze.<3

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