It's Raining

21 2 6

I am here stuck in the traffic, sitting in the empty bus, listening to the type of music you never understand why I liked.

I can relate to it, which is what my answer is. The question itself is just bizarre. Why do we have to stick to the only language we know? People from other countries also worked hard for their music too, music is the universal language, why are we still debating?

I am blabbering, aren't I?

The windows are all white covered in white fog, all opaque, all gone covered in a translucent layer covering my all enjoyment with it.

Tip Tip Tip
The strings of water falling on the glass window, turning the opaque transparent.
It's soothing.
Slow raining.

The sound of water hitting the surface echoes in the bus, The rain.

It's raining.

And my first thought was you,
I wanted to call you and shout, it's raining.

I know, you would answer me with the same enthusiasm, Oh hell Yes.

What are you doing?
Are you watching pourdown from the window of your room, like you used to, windows open and smelling the fresh rain smell?

And your mom, she used to be so mad about it.
She used to shout, it's raining, close the window.

But you used to laugh. I crave the sound of that laugh, I will stop every song just to listen to your giggles. If I can exchange every sound for your enjoyment, I will do that.

But it's been a while, I don't remember when was the last time it rained.
When was it? last year?
Yes, this is the first rain of this year.

I like rain, Because rain reminds me of you.
I am listening to rain's voice over the piano of some Latin artist. It's perfect.

My mind is replaying the memories of ours,
I can smell you in the smell of rain.
I can feel you as if you are sitting here with me.
My heart is beating crazily, the same as the day I saw you after so much time.

I'm missing you but What I'm missing more is me with you.

And as usual, People are oblivious of this enjoyment, disappointment to  nature but not to me…because how could I even oversee this??

It's raining...


It's raining here too, I am stuck in traffic, I am watching the rain from the window of bus and ofc I am writing too.

I want someone to remember me, when it rains.

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