I might kiss you and call it a mistake

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I might kiss you and call it a mistake. 

I am sitting on the stool of a petty runout bar, drinking something, the taste bizarre. I was on my low riding through its highs. 

I sat there, music too loud, too loud for me to hear anything but my own thoughts, thoughts telling me that I need your attention, I crave for it, silently hoping you would feel my desperation through my gaze. 

might kiss you and call it a mistake.

We were walking, next to each other, our shoulders brush past like the faint reminder, you are here, alone with me. I could be vulnerable and can let myself go free. 

I leaned in and I don't know where I get this confidence , maybe from the cheap drink I drank before.

I feel you go stiff, my eyes bore yours and with my blurred vision, I could only figure that I am with the right person,  my mind acknowledges you as comfort, I wanna give in. 

I might kiss you and call it a mistake.

I wanna feel your lips against mine, I wanna be that sinner, commit the unforgivable sin and be a little dirty for this pure world and if people are gonna call me slut that it might be worth this time.

Because in the end I'm just a girl who needs reassurance. I wanna feel how it felt to taste the forbidden. 

I wanna make this unforgettable night more memorable, so i just might kiss you and call it a mistake.

I wanna give in and maybe next morning i will curse myself and think of it as just a mistake but i might kiss you and call it a mistake.

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