Chapter 1

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The lights flashing in his face as he walks through the airport gateways with his bodyguards. As expected it was Kang Dae also known as Day, the biggest celebrity in Korea, known for his all rounding skill. He can dance, sing, act, and model. He was the face of many multi million companies such as g*cci, v***sace, L* and many more. He had fans all over the world. He finally was free from the flashing lights when he got into his car and drove away.

He let out a sigh of relief and asked his manager what he had next on his schedule. He was overjoyed to hear that he had nothing else on and could go back to his apartment.

He got into his apartment and got in the shower to freshen up. He looked at himself in the mirror thinking what he was doing with his life.

He never wanted to be a celebrity but to make ends meet and help his parents, this was the only thing he could do. He trained for many years trying to perfect himself even if others told he was good enough.

After 7 years of training, he was number one in Korea. His hard work paid off but at what cost. Being a big celebrity isn't always perfect. You had to carry the weight of millions on one shoulder and with a lot of love came an adequate amount of hate.

His thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. He checked who it was through the peephole to see the food delivery. He opened the door to the guy and to his shock the guy tackled him down to the ground. Trying his best to escape he pushed him off with all his strength but was unsuccessful. When he thought all hope was lost a hand grabbed the guy's shirt and pulled him off.
It was a young guy in a black hoodie and a mask. Kang Dae got himself up and saw the guy who had already caught the attacker by the collar and was dialing the police. The police arrived at the scene in a few moments. It turned out that the attacker was a hater who had many cases of trespassing, stalking, and threatening celebrities, on his back.

Kang Dae thanked the police and turned to the guy in the hoodie.
"Thankyou for saving my life, Mr....?"
"Kim Seo Jun"
"Thankyou Mr. Kim Seo Jun"
"It's fine"
"Well would you like to come in....."
Before he could finish his word Seo Jun walked away. Kang Dae's face of gratefulness turned into an annoyed one in no time.

He went back into his apartment where his manager was sitting. The manager inquired about Seo Jun. Day told him not to care about him and forget him.

Seo Jun went back to his apartment on the floor above Day. He squealed internally thinking how cool he must have looked to his idol. He hugged his Kang Dae body pillow rolling around on the bed until he rolled too off to the side and fell onto the ground. He pulled himself together and went on with his day but he couldn't get the scene out of his mind.

The next morning he woke up rushing to work and as soon as he opened the door he realized there was someone on the other side of the door, who was getting in. He knocked into the person. He apologized and saw it was Seo Jun. He bowed in guilt and checked if he was fine and thankfully he was. Before anyone could say anything his manager apologized and pulled him away.

In the evening, He heard the doorbell ring and to his surprise it was Seo Jun. He stepped back and thought to himself if he came to get revenge or something. He nervously opened the door to him. Seo Jun put his hand inside of his pocket to take out something. He handed it to Day, Day flinched as he thought he was going to hurt him but to his surprise he handed him a notepad. Then he realized that it was his and he had dropped it in the morning. He quickly thanked him and took it, making their hands touch. Both of them pulled back nervously . Seo Jun turned to leave but he was stopped by a small grab on his sleeve. Day asked him if he wanted to have a drink with him. Seo Jun panicked and refused without showing his panic and left for his apartment.

He got to his apartment and started jumping up and down in excitement. He looked at his sleeve and hand and said

"I'm never washing this hoodie"

He removed it and put it on a hanger in his closet.

The next day, Day came back to the yogurt bottle at his doorstep. Ever since he moved to this apartment he gets these Yogurt bottles that he liked when he was a child, everyday except for that last day. He picked it up and went inside. He drank them as he knew it wasn't poisoned by anyone after seeing his manager accidentally drink it once.                                  

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