Chapter: 9

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After half an hour Seo Jun was still not back. Day grabbed his jacket and mask and went out to find him. He called out his name going from place to place, but sooner or later he was recognized by his fans and was surrounded by them. The questions made him overwhelmed. Their voices echoed and Seo Jun's voice filled his mind. He backed up scared. His breathing getting heavier, camera flashing in his eyes. His vision getting blurry. Just as he was helpless, A jacket covered him.

"Hey!! Move out of the way!"

The fans al backed up a bit scared.  But then between all this chaos he heard a familiar voice.

"Hyung, It's me"

"Seo Jun?"

"Yeah it's me, wait. Please stay away, I'm his bodyguard, right hyung?"

He said to the crowd, protecting Day. He uncovered Day and Day replied

"Yes yes, he is"

The fans moved back a little but there were still cameras flashing in his eyes. Seo Jun covered him and pushed the crowd out of the way and headed to the apartment. After they were in Day's place. Seo Jun placed a glass of water on the table and turned to leave. Day held his hand trying to stop him

"Don't leave, I'm sorry"

Seo Jun paused and sat back down but said nothing.

"Thankyou for that"

Seo Jun stayed silent. Day got up and went to get something from the kitchen. He came back with a box and opened it. It was a cake which looked handmade and had 'happy birthday Jun-ah' written on it. Seo Jun looked at the cake. He realized everything.

"I didn't forget about your birthday, I was just waiting to surprise you"


"The woman was my friend who was a baker and taught me how to decorate this"

Seo Jun felt guilty for accusing Day of cheating.

"I'm sorry"

"No, I should have picked up your calls at least"

Seo Jun hugged Day apologizing. Day hugged him back. He pulled away and lit up the candles and told

"It's not too late to make a wish"

Seo Jun put his hands together and closed his eyes to make his wish. After he made his wish he blew out the candle. Day set down the cake and looked into Seo Jun's eyes. Seo Jun put his hand on Day's cheek and said

"I'm sorry for starting a fight Hyung"

"I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls or texts"

Seo Jun got closer, placing his head against Day's, closing his eyes and holding Day's hands. Day gently brushed against Seo Jun's nose, asking for a kiss. Seo Jun ran his fingers through day's hair pulling him into a kiss.

The next day, as expected, Day got a call from his manager asking about what had happened the night before. Day explained everything to her. She informed that this was quite the hot topic of social media. Day opened his social media to see that, millions of his fans wondering who Seo Jun was as Day was calling out his name.

Some true fans felt bad for him and came to his side trying to argue with the toxic fans about him having a panic attack publicly. Saying how he was also a human being, not a god. It turns out that most of his fans were on his side and were mad at the people who were at the incident and surrounded him. A small section of people wondering who the alleged bodyguard was who came to Day's rescue. But Seo Jun was safe as his face was covered by a mask.

Day was glad that most of his fans were on his side. Just as Day was going through his phone, Seo Jun came in and sat beside him

"Good morning"

"Good morning, why are you here?"

"Nothing, I'm just bored, have you been awake for a long time?"

"Not long"

Seo Jun noticed Day changing his eyes from him to his phone. Finally he asked

"What are you watching?"


"About yesterday night?"

"How did you know?"

"It's pretty trending"


"Don't worry, It's fine"

"I know"

"Have you eaten yet?"



Seo Jun got up and went into the kitchen to cook. Soon followed by Day. After having breakfast, Day had to go to the company as usual. Day grabbed his jacket and headed out the door. Seo Jun came running like a puppy.



"You forgot something"



Seo Jun gave him a quick kiss and said goodbye to him. Seo Jun admired him as he walked off.

The rest of their days went pretty smoothly. Day's schedule was pretty packed. Everyday Day returned home, tired, to Seo Jun waiting for him. Making all the tiredness go away with a simple hug. Seo Jun was basically living in his place. Day came home tired as usual, looking forward to Seo Jun. He called out for Seo Jun, setting down his stuff and hanging his coat

"Jun-ah, I'm back"

Weirdly Seo Jun was not at the door waiting for his hyung like usual. He called Seo Jun, to hear his phone ringing in the bedroom. He opened the bedroom door to see Seo Jun already asleep. He checked the time to realize that it was 10 pm. He got in the bed with him hugging him. Seo Jun, said waking up


"Yeah, it's me"

"Hug me"

Seo Jun turned around pouting. Day took him in his arms. Seo Jun snuggling in closer. Seo Jun mumbled

"Why are you so late?"

"Sorry. I had some extra work today"

Seo Jun rubbed his head against Day's chest as if he was a puppy. 

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