Chapter: 11

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Both of them slept peacefully. Day on Seo Jun's body and Seo Jun' s arms around him. Both naked. Their sleep was peaceful after a rough night... until


They both woke up startled to a high pitched scream. Seo Jun looked over rubbing his eyes

"Who the fuc- Seo Yeong-ah, shit"

"Seo Yeong? Your sister?- shit"

Seo Yeong was shocked at what she was seeing. Day looked at Seo Jun shocked. Seo Jun quickly covered Day with the blanket as he was naked. Day hid under the blanket embarrassed.

"Why didn't you say your sister was coming over, you piece of shit"

"Hyung, I didn't know either"

"Oppa, this- this- th-"

"Seo Yeong- ah, wait, listen"

"Oppa, Why does he look like the Day"

"It's not a look alike, it is Day"

Day peeked out of the blanket nervously smiling and waving hi.

"Wait, get out first, Let us get dressed. Pass two sets of clothes from my closet"

"but- but-but"

"The clothes first!"

"Okay here"

Seo Yeong randomly picked out a few sets of clothes and tossed them onto the bed and left the room, still shocked that a world famous K-pop idol was in her brother's bed. After a few minutes, They both came out of the room, Day hiding behind Seo Jun. They sat down at the table across from her. Seo Yeong looked at Day dumbstruck. Day was in an oversized hoodie clearly not his, and with messy but cute bed hair. Day smiled awkwardly, nudging Seo Jun to start speaking. Seo Jun finally spoke and said

"Why are you here so early in the morning?"

"No wait, why is HE in your bed? Naked?!"

"We're dating, Why?"

"What?!! No way?"

"Then how do you explain what you just saw?"

"But- but... how?"

"He lives downstairs"

"Still how?"

"We met from time to time coincidently and then we became friends and now we've been dating for 10 months now"

"10 months?! and you didn't tell me?"

"Well you know too that Hyung is an idol"

"But still, I'm your little sister if not your child"

"Shut up, well now you know"

"Mye mye mye"

She said, sticking out her tongue and mocking him. Day chuckled at them arguing and acting like kids.

"So why did you choose my brother? Like, are you forced? Is this happening on your own will?"

"Hey, shut up"

interrupted Seo Jun, Day chuckled listening to her question

"No, I love him, and he loves me for who I am and not an idol or something"

Seo Jun looked at him with love and a proud feeling. He turned to Seo Yeong and teased her.

"See, Hyung loves me. Plus if he didn't, you think he'd be in my bed naked?"

"Stop about last night"

Day said flustered, hitting Seo Jun's arm

"Seems like you two had a pretty long night?"

Seo Yeong said teasing. Day's ears turned red

"You two are so similar, even the teasing part"

they both said in unison "no we're not", taking Day by surprise. While Day and Seo Yeong were talking, Seo Jun went into the kitchen to cook some food. After some time, Day accompanied Seo Jun in the kitchen when he felt awkward.  Seo Jun understood and told him to sit on the counter next to him. 

"Does it still hurt?"

Seo Jun asked Day. Day tilted his head in confusion 


"I've read a few times that bottoming hurts." 

Day's ears turned red. He smack Seo Jun and said 

"Shut Up!"

"I'm just making sure you're fine."

"I'm fine. Now don't talk about it"

"Let me see if you are fine"


Seo Jun grabbed Day's ass and waist, pulling him closer. Day let out a scream, covering his mouth quickly 

"Let me go, You're sister is here."

"I'm just making sure"

"Okay okay it hurts a little bit. Let me go now"

Seo Jun lifted him onto the counter. Their faces were only inches apart. Seo Jun leaned in to kiss him. Just as their lips were about to touch Seo Yeong barged in. Day once again hid his face in Seo Jun's shoulders out of embarrassment. Seo Yeong also sat down on the counter opposite to Day, and they all talked while Seo Jun cooked. Seo Yeong was still processing that Day was dating her brother.

While eating, Seo Jun asked why Seo Yeong was here.

"Dad called you home, mom is back"

Seo Jun froze. The table fell silent. Day looked over at Seo Jun. Seo Jun didn't look happy with the invitation. Seo Jun continued


"Don't know"


"Next month Sunday"

The atmosphere was awkward. Seo Jun changed the topic quickly. It was clear he didn't want to go. While they were back to talking, Day left the table to attend a call. After he hung up he came back to the table saying that he had to go in an hour and would be back late. After eating, They all set away the dishes and Seo Jun got to washing them. After an hour or so, Day got a call from his manager telling to come down. He got up and went into the kitchen to tell Seo Jun

"Jun-ah, I have to go now, bye"

"Okay, aren't you gonna change?"

"No It's fine, plus it smells like you"

He said sniffing the hoodie which had a faint scent of Seo Jun mixed with Seo Jun's baby detergent. Seo Jun blushed at his Hyung's words.

"Okay now, I'll go. Love you bye. kiss"

Day pouted his lips asking for a quick kiss before going. Seo Jun gave a quick kiss and said

"Bye love you too, Hyung"

"Have mercy on my eyes"

Said Seo Yeong covering her eyes with a gap between her fingers. Day smiled and went downstairs to the car. Seo Jun continued to wash the dishes. 

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