Chapter: 14

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Day was out at the office, Seo Jun being left alone at Day's place.

He was washing the dishes, plate after plate. Thinking about the situation. Contemplating whether he should take any action by seeking his manager. Just as he finished he heard a knock on the door. He dried his hand and went to attend the door.

There was complete silence when he opened the door. No one in sight. He just thought he was hearing things... until he turned and in the corner of his eyes he saw a package at the bottom of the door. He thought of it as nothing and took it inside. He saw Day's name on it. He kept it aside and went back to chores.

In the evening Day came back tired, to Seo Jun waiting for him. Seo Jun extended his arms to him with a warm smile. Day smiled back, moving closer and hugging him tightly.

"Welcome home"

"I love you Jun-ah"

"All of a sudden"

"why? Can't I love my boyfriend?"

"No it's not that"

"Just say it back"

"I love you too Hyung"

Seo Jun gave a kiss on his lips as he stood with his arms wrapped around Seo Jun's neck.

At dinner, Seo Jun noticed how little he was eating. He asked him if he was on a diet. Day shook his head in denial and said he just wasn't feeling hungry. After dinner, Seo Jun told him about the package. Day said it was normal and that the neighbors might have given it. He took the package and went to the bedroom to open it. Seo Jun was cleaning the table in the meantime. *BANG*. A loud sound came from the bedroom, followed by Day's scream. Seo Jun ran upon hearing it, Scared and worried. He opened the door to see Day petrified, his hands shaking, and the box releasing some sort of gas. Seo Jun rushed to his side to see Day's hands. He hugged Day, who was still in shock and scared. He patted his head and saw that the gas from the box was quite strong. He covered his nose and as he was about to cover Day's, Day's breathing got heavier. He was going into a panic attack, not being able to think properly. Inhaling the gas.

"Hyung don't inhale it in , calm down, it can be dangerous"

He picked Day up in a panic and took him to the living room. He felt Day holding onto his shirt tightly. Also scratching him in the process. Just as he was setting Day down on the couch, Day's grip weakened. He held onto his head

"Jun-ah My eyes"

Seo Jun asked him what was wrong, worried

"What happened to your eyes? Hyung, are you okay?"

"It's getting blurry"

"Hyung, look at me"


Seo Jun turned Day's face to face his. Day blinking trying to get a clear image of his face. His vision got blurry and sooner or later it all went black. Seo Jun panicked as Day fell unconscious. He tapped his face awake, calling his name but got no reply. He quickly took a coat and covered him. Picking him up and running to his car. He laid him down on the back seat and rushed to the hospital, calling Day's manager alongside. He got Day to the ER and a few minutes after the call His manager also arrived. She sent some people to check the box back at the apartment. They filed a case and started an investigation on it.

Day was shifted to a private room for privacy and was given IV. His wounds were minor, just a few first degree burns and redness on his right hand. Which were treated with some ointment. Seo Jun stayed beside him the whole time. He looked at him worried thinking "if it wasn't for me, Hyung wouldn't be like this". He felt guilty and wanted his Hyung's suffering. The manager called him outside and talked to him about the situation.

An hour or so later, Day regained his consciousness and opened his eyes to Seo Jun sleeping beside him, holding his hand. He looked around and realized he was in a hospital. He turned his head to see the clock and saw that it was 12:48 AM.

He held on to Seo Jun's hand causing him to wake up. Seo Jun got up and asked how he was feeling. Day told him he was fine and asked what had happened. Seo Jun explained how he had fainted and was in the hospital. He also told him that he contacted his manager and she is going to run an investigation on the package. He checked the time and told Day to go to sleep. Day patted the bed telling him to sleep next to him. He refused saying that the bed would be too small and Day wouldn't be able to sleep. Day insisted, and finally Seo Jun gave up and got into bed with him. He carefully lifted Day's hand with the IV injection and put it over himself so as to not hurt him. He wrapped his arms around him making them both feel at ease.      

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