Chapter: 21

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"Day, you have a meeting with the manager of xx accessories and he wants to see you at... a restaurant "

Said his manager with an iPad in her hand. Day rolled his eyes asking her


"Yeah, It's work, you have to"

"But he's a creep"

"We can't do anything about it"

"Okay, But I won't be alone with him"

"Okay, we'll say it's company rules"

They both agreed upon this and got into the car heading to the place. Day looked at the time and as it was 7:00 pm, He called Seo Jun to tell him to eat without him as he was eating out. Seo Jun agreed and said he'll wait for him. Day smiled and hung up the phone and got out of the car. The place looked really fancy and it was very quiet. He got in and looked around. It was a restaurant with private rooms. He was immediately annoyed by it. But for the sake of his job he plastered on a fake smile and walked through the corridor. The doors of rooms had a small glass window which can be covered by the curtain by choice.

As he was walking through the long corridor he heard a girl's sound. The voice was as if She was not comfortable. Immediately enough the voice was muffled. He looked towards his right where the sound was coming from and paused. His manager asked him what was wrong and Day told

"The voice sounds oddly familiar"

"Come on we don't have time, Mr. Park is already here"

Day looked through the window which had no curtains to see three guys trying to take off a girl's shirt. She looked clearly drunk. She was trying to fight it but there were three of them. Day wanted to do something about it but couldn't. He didn't see the girls face clearly but when he started walking he heard a familiar name

"Seo Jun oppa, help"

He turned back around and barged into the room startling the three guys. As expected It was Seo Yeong. Her hair was a mess and a few of her shirt buttons forcefully removed.

"What the fuck are you doing? Who are you to come in here like that? Fucking asshole"

"Seo Yeong- ah? Are you okay?"

Day went closer but was quickly stopped by the first guy. The guys looked like they were the same age as Seo Yeong. They looked like gangsters. The first guy got really angry and pushed off Day.

"Who the fuck are you to do this to my sister!?!?"

Day shouted at them. He punched the first guy out of his way and went to Seo Yeong. Before they could hit Day back, Day's bodyguards stepped in and held them back. All three of them were screaming and cursing at him. Day ignored them and took off his coat and covered Seo Yeong. When Seo Yeong recognized Day, tears streamed down her face. Day put his arm around her and told to get up.

"Ms. Choi, I'm going home"

"Okay, I'll tell Mr. Park."

"Get these three in the police station"


He got Seo Yeong up and got into the car and told the driver to drive to the apartment. He called Seo Jun to tell what had happened.


"Yeah Hyung?"

"uh... I'm on my way home"

"Eh? I thought you had a meeting with someone"

"Yeah but it got called off."

"Okay get home fast I'll get dinner ready"

"Make for three"

"Three? Who's coming?"

"Seo Yeong"

"She's with you? This brat. Doesn't even tell me"

"Yeah I'll be there in a few minutes"

"Okay. I'm at your place, get home fast, love you"

"Mn love you too"

They hung up and Day turned to Seo Yeong. Seo Yeong was facing the other side.

"Are you okay?"

Day asked, concerned. Seo Yeong answered in a low tone

"Thankyou for saving me"

"Of course, You're like my sister. How could I not?"

"Will Oppa be mad?"

"Why would Seo Jun be mad? Even if he does, I'll hit him for you"

A smile finally appeared on Seo Yeong's face. Day asked her what had happened. Seo Yeong stayed silent. Day assured her if she didn't want to say it was fine. She shook her head and said

"It was a school gathering. Many more were there but all of the girls left with their boyfriends or someone leaving me alone. I was in the washroom when they all left and I was tipsy. When I got to know the girls left, I was going to leave but the guys told me to stay and I told them I would only for some time. But they kept making me drink and started touching my thighs and face. I tried to get them off but they didn't and started to unbutton my shirt and put their hands up my skirt-"

"Enough. You don't have too"

"You came just in time. Thankyou"

"Glad I did so"

Time flew by as they spoke and they were back to the apartment. They went up to Day's apartment and unlocked the door to see Seo Jun waiting for them. He got up and saw Seo Yeong hiding behind Day. She looked over day's shoulder.

"Hey! what are you doing, get off Hyung."

Day moved revealing Seo Yeong. Her hair was still a mess and was wearing Day's coat. Seo Jun was confused but a little concerned

"Did you get into a fight? Why are you wearing Hyung's coat?... Hey! answer me!"

"Jun-ah, don't shout at her"

Day got in front of Seo Yeong and held Seo Jun's hand to calm him down. Seo Yeong moved back, scared.

"I met her at the restaurant I was going for a meeting and She was... getting molested by three guys"

Seo Jun fell dead silent. His heart dropped when he heard it.

"Where are those bastards now?"

He asked Day, grabbing his coat. Day stopped him, telling they were already at the police station and his manager was taking care of it.

"How dare they?! I'll beat them all up till they can't walk."

"Jun-ah calm down"


Seo Yeong held his arms crying. Seo Jun stopped immediately. He hugged her and apologized.

"Are you okay now?"

"Yes. I want to change. I feel disgusting"

"Yeah. I have your clothes in my wardrobe. I'll go get them. And listen, It's not your fault, okay?"


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