Chapter 4

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Day was finally back to his busy schedules and was out filming, recording or practicing. But he still texted Seo Jun whenever he had the chance to. This was noticed by his manager and he confronted him about his relationship with anybody. Day brushed off the question saying he was only a friend and nothing more. His manager left him off the hook for now and ignored it. Day was getting quite fond of him and small feelings were rising. He was in an interview when the person who was also an idol asked him

"so, Day-ssi, This is the most dreaded question for an idol but may i ask, do you like anybody at the moment"

He let out a nervous sigh and chuckled contemplating on what to say. He teasingly said


The host laughed and asked if he was lying or not. he smiled and said

"Honestly I don't know either"

"Are they an idol or a celebrity?"

" No not at all, just a citizen"

"Ooh what a lucky person they might be"

He giggled and moved on to the next topic. At home, Seo Jun saw the interview after a week. He was curious to know who Day was interested in. So he hesitantly asked him in a polite friendly way and Day paused for a second and replied,

"I'll tell later"

He respected his words and moved on,

Weeks passed, Day had released his new album and it was a big hit as expected. Seo Jun congratulated him and even got him a cake for it. Day was busy with his comeback and had been practicing all day when he got back home, Seo Jun was at his door at 12. He opened the door waking up from his sleep, rubbing his eyes with bed hair and a puffy face. He opened his eyes to see him standing with a cake with candles lighting his face up. That is when he realized that it was his birthday. He let him in with a surprised but happy face. He set down the cake and both sat down facing each other with the candles giving their faces a light golden glow. He told him to make a wish and blow out the candles. He put his hands together, and wished for himself and blew out the candles.

"Did you stay up till 12 just to do this?"

Seo Jun nodded like a puppy smiling with his eyes.

They sliced up the cake and sat down to eat.

"Ah, I'm on a diet though.."

"Oh really,"

Seo Jun's voice lowered. Day saw this and said it was fine a little cake will do no harm. He grabbed a spoonful and shoved it in his mouth, coating his lips with cream. Seo Jun smiled and reached his hand out to wipe the cream off his lips and went to lick the cream off his fingers after doing so. This was a small gesture to him that showed his caring. But Day, let's just say he was feeling a little daring. He held his hand and licked it off, giving Seo Jun butterflies. Butterflies were an understatement though. His face turned red. Day slowly freed his hand looking straight into his eyes. He soon said thankyou in a very gentle yet capturing tone.

After eating Day offered him to stay and he agreed to sleep on the couch. Day quickly refused and said his bed was big enough to fit both of them. He agreed and followed him. Day got in and covered himself with his blanket and was followed by Seo Jun. He laid down facing him. Day looked straight into his eyes as if he hung stars in the sky. Day's gaze switched from his eyes to his lips and back to his lips.

"You wanted to know who I was interested in, right?"


Day moved closer and held Jun's neck pulling him into a kiss. His eyes widened, shocked by what was happening but soon his eyes softened and closed melting into the kiss and kissed him back, moving closer to him. pulling Day closer by the neck and waist. They both fell in sync with each other, Seo Jun lifting on top of him laying down Day. Seo Jun hand moved from his waist to his thigh lifting it towards him as he went on. Day stopped his hand and Seo Jun stopped instantly. He looked at him holding his neck and said

"Wait,... I'm sorry but..."

"Hyung, you really want this"

he asked his seeing that he looked slightly uncomfortable

"yes but, let's take it slow, okay"

"okay, I'll wait till you're ready"

Seo Jun backed off understanding.


"No need to say sorry, It should happen by both our consent"

He smiled at him and asked once again reassuring

"So... this means you like me?"

"Well... I don't know for sure but I think I most definitely do"

Seo Jun turned around blushing, screaming internally. Day chuckled seeing Day who was ready to top him a second ago, being so whipped like a teenage girl in love. Day wrapped his hand around him and said softly closing his eyes

"Let's just go to sleep for now"

Seo Jun put his hand on his and calmed his inner teenage girl and closed his eyes to sleep. But He just couldn't sleep after finding out his celebrity crush of 8 years, who he never even thought he would be a 50 meter radius of, was hugging him after kissing.

The next Morning Seo Jun was woken up by his obnoxiously loud alarm. He turned over to his side table to pick up his phone and turn it off. After so, He turned back around to see Day sleeping, The ray of sunlight falling ever so gently on his face. As he got closer Day opened his eyes and subconsciously muttered

"Jun-ah, 10 minutes more"

Pulling him into a small kiss and snuggling in closer. Seo Jun was so whipped for him. His heart raced as he heard his call 'Jun-ah' so lovingly.

Soon he got a call from his sister saying she was at his apartment and nobody was there. He got up quickly trying not to Wake up and left for his place. He ran down and his sister was waiting at his place. She looked at him confused and asked where he slept. He brushed off the question but she did not leave him alone

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No not a girlfriend"

"Really, then why is your hair such a mess and you're still in your pajamas"

"Uh... I was at a friends place and crashed there"

"Mmm, a friend?"

She teased him nonstop. 

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