Extra. 2

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Seo Jun sat on the couch waiting for Day to get ready, scrolling through his phone. One of his hands supported his head.

"I'm done, How do I look?"

Day got out of the room in an elegant red suit. His pale skin showing out the deep cleavage of his suit. His neck embellished by a silver chain from Day & night. Dangling earrings hanging off of his ears. Two silver rings wrapped around his fingers. Seo Jun looked up to see Day. Speechless, he stared at Day. His hand slowly reached his open mouth. Day's lips curled into a soft smile and asked again

"Jun-ah Does it look good?"

Seo Jun stood up and told him

"Do a little twirl"

Day turned around confused. Day put his hands together, clapping.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

Day let out a chuckle and said cringing

"Ew, who taught you that? Enough of staring, let's go, we'll be late"

A bright smile brushed on Seo Jun's face. He put out his hand, asking for Day's hand. Day smiled and held his hand, following him.

Before they got out Seo Jun stopped Day and handed him a box. Day opened the box confused. The blue box opened to reveal two rose gold rings. One with D and the other having S. Day smiled brightly asking what it was for.

"Promise rings"

Seo Jun replied, smiling at him. He took one ring and put out his hand, waiting for Day to give his hand. Day placed his hand on top of his and Seo Jun slid the ring on his finger.

"Put it on for me"

He said, showing his fingers. Day let out a small chuckle and slid the ring on his finger. Day quickly pecked Seo Jun's cheek and said

"Come let's go, they're waiting"

Seo Jun's cheeks flushed a bright pink. They both got out of the car, The cameras flashing as they got out. The leather shoes stepped on to the red carpet at the entrance. Seo Jun and Day walked in, hand in hand, greeting everyone at the event. Day held Seo Jun's hand proudly. They both got their seats next to others. After the show, they all got up to get drinks.

"Hyung, I'll go get some drinks"

Seo Jun said, getting up to leave. Day nodded and stayed at his seat waiting for him to return.

"Mr. Day! I didn't expect you to be here. Are you here as an ambassador?"

A fellow actor approached him. Day got up greeting him Day smiled and shook his hands saying

" Mr. Jaehyun! No I'm accompanying my partner"

"Oh You're dating someone?"

"Yes, It got revealed three months ago. It was a pretty big thing"

"Oh yes, I think I remember it, The son of Mr. Kim Dohyun's son. So you're gay now?"

Day awkwardly smiled as soon he heard the question. Seo Jun returned with two drinks in his hands right after Mr. Jaehyun asked.

"Hyung... Oh, Hello mr. Jaehyun."

He gave the drink to Day and shook hands with him. He happily exclaimed

"You're Day's boyfriend right. Kim..."

"Kim Seo Jun"

Day said to him.

"Oh yes. Kim Seo Jun."

"What were you guys talking about?"

Seo Jun asked Day. Before Day could reply, Mr. Jaehyun replied

"Ah, I was just asking Day about you"


"Yeah, He asked If i came alone."

Day said to Seo Jun. Seo Jun smiled and put his arm around the back of Day's waist. Sipping the cocktail in his hand. Mr. Jaehyun looked at Seo Jun's hand on Day's waist and asked

"So how long have you two been dating?"

"Over a year"

Seo Jun replied.

"Oh! Such a long time. How long have you been gay?"

He asked Day. Day taken aback from the question replied

"Actually I'm not gay, I'm bi. And that question might be a little personal"

"Oh I'm sorry if I offended you in any way."

He quickly apologized. Seo Jun smiled at Day. The question of their relationship was heard a few more times but Seo Jun answered most of them. After the long evening of talking they both left for home. Day plopped on to the bed sighing. Seo Jun smiled, taking off his coat and tie. Day got up and went to unbutton his coat but was instantly stopped by Seo Jun's hands. Day looked at him confused. Seo Jun grinned and said

"I designed it, Therefore I get to take it off"


Seo Jun leaned in and kissed Day. Just as he said, Seo Jun started unbuttoning Day's coat, revealing his milky white chest. Seo Jun slowly took off his shirt and laid Day down, kissing him. Day letting Seo Jun's tongue explore every inch of his mouth. He moved to Day's neck, kissing it and sucking on it. Day closed his eyes as Seo Jun moved down to his chest. 

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