Chapter: 8

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Seo Jun slowly got in the bed sliding his hands in Day's shirt, touching his stomach. Day woke up to Seo Jun's cold hands on his bare skin. He flinched as he felt Seo Jun's warm breath running down his neck.

"Ya, what are you doing?"

He asked in a shaky voice. Seo Jun smirked and moved closer to his ear, whispering

"Nothing, hyung. why?"

"Y-your hands are cold"

"You can warm them up"


Seo Jun pulled him closer wrapping his hands around Day's waist. Day gasped trying to turn around. Seo Jun leaned in and kissed him. The kiss made him loosen his grip and let Day turn around. Seo Jun slowly pushed Day down onto the bed, getting on top of him. Day let Seo Jun's tongue in, making their kiss passionate. Suddenly Day pushed him away gasping for air.

"How do you breathe during this?"

He said panting. Seo Jun broke out in laughter. Day nudged him and said

"Stop laughing"

"I'm not"

He tried pulling himself together, but in only a few seconds he broke out into laughter again. Day whined telling him to stop laughing and turned around sulking.

"Okay okay, I'll stop."

Seo Jun turned him back facing him. He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and said


Day's face turned red, blushing. He kissed him back and snuggled closer into Seo Jun's arms.

The next morning, Day was woken up by a shower of kisses from Seo Jun. He opened his eyes and saw Seo Jun's innocent smile lighting up his day. Day said in a raspy voice

"Good morning Jun-ah"

"Good morning Hyung, hungry?"

"Mm, Lemme brush my teeth"


After brushing, Day came out of the bathroom, still with a puffy face and bed hair. Seo Jun set the table and food. He got closer to him and brushed through Day's hair with his hand, smiling and sat down to eat. After eating and freshening up, they both got ready for work. Day's manager was waiting for him at the entrance. Before stepping out of the building, Day backed up and turned to Seo Jun. Seo Jun asked him confusedly if he forgot something. Day said smiling

"yeah, this"

He gave Seo Jun a quick peck on the lips and hopped in his car. Seo Jun left the building smiling.

After 4 months, Day and Seo Jun were still as strong as ever, their lives were going pretty normally just that Day was a little busy. But Seo Jun never complained as he knew what he was getting into when they first started dating.

It was Seo Jun's birthday. He woke up happily excited to see what Day prepared. But when he went to Day's apartment He saw Day getting out in a hurry.


"Oh, Jun-ah, I have to go, bye, love you"

"Oh, okay, love you too"

Day quickly gave him a kiss and left. Seo Jun looked at him as he left disappointed. Thinking that he might have forgotten. The rest of the day, Day was at the company. Seo Jun kept messaging him when he would get back. But Day never replied to his messages. He was really thinking that Day really forgot his birthday. Overthinking about it.

It was 7 pm. The sky was getting darker and darker but there still was no sign of Day. In order to clear his mind He went out to get some fresh air. On his way to the rooftop, He saw Day. He went to him but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a woman coming out of an apartment and hugging him. He took a step back, in disbelief. Day turned his way but before he could see Seo Jun, He hid behind the corner. When he looked again, Day was hugging her back and went into the apartment. His imagination went the wrong way. He was not ready to believe that day would cheat on him and so he called him, only to hear the ringing and no answer. He went back to his apartment. Sat down in disbelief. An overwhelming feeling overcame him. Tears filled his eyes. Trying not to think about it and wait for day to come back but an hour went by Day was still not back.

At 8:13, He heard the door unlocking a

"Jun-ah, I'm back, sorry I was so late. The manager gave me some work... Jun-ah?"

He was welcomed with silence. The room was dark. He set down his stuff and went to the room looking for Seo Jun. When he went into the room he saw Seo Jun sitting in the dark by himself

"Jun-ah, oh my god, you scared me. Why are you sitting in the dark like this?"

Seo Jun gave no reply. When he switched on the lights, he saw that his face looked sad and eyes were red

"Jun-ah, why are your eyes so red? are you okay-"

As he went closer and touched his face, Seo Jun pushed him away. Day was confused and asked what was wrong.

"Jun-ah, what's wrong? are you-"



"Where were you?"

"I-I just told you, I had work at the company"

"Stop lying"

Seo Jun was cold. Day stepped back

"Why would I lie to you?"

"I saw you"


"With the woman"

Day's eyes widened.

"Jun-ah, listen She-"

"You were with her for more than an hour"

"Jun-ah, It's not what it looks like"

"Hyung, It's' not that you were with her, It's that you two were in there for an hour, and you didn't pick up when I called"

"Jun-ah It's really-"

"HYUNG! STOP! You forgot that it was my birthday today"

Day moved back. Slightly scared and hurt. He slowly moved closer to Seo Jun who was crying.

"I didn't forget it I-"

"Hyung, who was she?"

"A friend of mine"

"What a lame excuse"

"Jun-ah believe me"

"It was my birthday... you didn't reply to my message, didn't pick up my calls and went to see a woman"




Day's loud voice echoed in the room. It was dead silent. Seo Jun looked at him hurt. Day realized what he had said and started regretting it

"Jun-ah, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you?"

"Loving you and wanting to know where you were is childish right. Okay then I am childish."

"Jun-ah, I didn't mean-"

"Okay then Hyung. Since you don't want to be with a childish person like me I'll go before this escalates"

"Jun-ah, Jun-ah I'm sorry"

Seo Jun released himself from Day's grip and stormed out. Day tried stopping him but Seo Jun was adamant. Seo Jun left the building crying. Day broke down in tears. 

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