Chapter: 16

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The next morning Day opened his eyes to Seo Jun sleeping peacefully beside him. He admired him sleeping. A few minutes later Seo Jun woke up rubbing his eyes

"Good morning"

"Morning Hyung"


Day pouted his lips asking for a kiss.

"No, let me brush fi-"

"I don't care"

Day pecked on Seo Jun's lips making Seo Jun break into a big smile.

After they both washed their faces and brushed, they sat down to eat. Seo Jun was still half asleep. After Day was done, He ruffled Seo Jun's hair as he walked to the kitchen. While Day was doing the dishes, the doorbell rang. He opened the door to Seo Yeong and let her in. She asked why there were guards outside the door and Seo Jun explained what had happened. Seo Yeong asked Day concerned if he was okay. Day nodded his head.

An hour later, Day was in the bedroom with Seo Jun on the bed, relaxing. They heard a loud crash from the kitchen. Day held onto Seo Jun's hand tightly, scared, letting out a scream. The guards rushed in hearing Day's scream and Seo Yeong

"Sorry oppa, a plate slipped from my hands, I'm sorry"

"It's fine, be careful while cleaning it up"

"okay, Sorry Day oppa"

"It's fine"

Clearly Day wasn't fine. Even when he said he was fine, he was holding onto Seo Jun's sleeve. It was clear that the previous incident had affected him a lot. Day told the guards everything was fine and to go back out. As per his order they both got out.

Seo Jun put his arms around Day, pulling him closer.

"You okay?"

"Heah,... hold me"

"Come here"

Seo Jun hugged him and pulled the blanket over them, making Day feel more comfortable and safe. But His mind was filled with concern for him.

The next day, Day's was going back to his apartment. He opened the door to see the place decorated with lights. At the door was Seo Jun standing with a bouquet of tulips.

"What's this?"

"A little surprise. Here tulips cuz you're allergic to roses"

"Thank you, what are these for?"

"No reason. You just had a pretty rough week."

"Thank you Jun-ah"

Seo Jun pulled him into a warm hug. Then he sat him down at the table with all of Day's favorite food. Day was touched by Seo Jun's surprise. But at the same time felt that he was different. Seo Jun was doing too much. His actions were sincere but there was something different about it. Day ignored it and just enjoyed the moment with his lover. Seo Jun pampered Day in everything. From peeling the shrimp to wiping his lips after eating. After they were done eating, Seo Jun pulled out a box and slid it over to Day. Day asked him what it was and Seo Jun told him to open it and see for himself. Day opened it to see a beautiful necklace with a small white tulip pendant.

"Wow, what's this for?"

"For you, a gift"

"Why are you showering me with all this all of a sudden, It's scaring me"

"Like I said before, You've had a rough week"

"Put it on for me"

Seo Jun stood up and took the necklace in his hands. He gently placed it on Day's milky white neck. The chain shining on him. Seo Jun placed a gentle kiss on Day's neck and whispering in his ear

"I love you Hyung"

"I love you too Jun-ah"

Seo Jun looked into his eyes with love, before slowly leaning in and kissing him. They both slowly got up still in the kiss, taking steps leading to the bedroom. Seo Jun's hands caressing Day's cheek. Seo Jun Pushed him against the wall. He lifted Day's leg towards himself, squeezing it. He laid him on the bed and planted a kiss on his forehead, his eyes, his cheeks, his nose, his ears, his hands, the pendants on his neck and finally his lips. Day melting by every single one of them.

Seo Jun's hand as usual went inside Day's shirt, taking it off. He got up and removed his shirt, tossing it off to the side. Day sat up and kissed Seo Jun's body, his lips touching Seo Jun's bare skin, his hands brushing up against his back. Seo Jun lowered him down with his hand on his neck, pushing him down and kissing him.

After a few minutes, Day pushed him away, gasping for air. A string of saliva between them as they pulled away.

"You okay Hyung?"

"Yeah, Lemme catch my breath"

Seo Jun nibbled on Day's ears, making them red hot. Seo Jun kissed his jaw and neck.

His hands roaming Day's body. Seo Jun unbuttoned Day's pants only to be stopped by Day's hand. Seo Jun broke away from the kiss and asked what was wrong.

"It... It still... kinda hurts after last time"

Day replied embarrassed. Seo Jun let out a small laughter seeing Day


"What? stop laughing, It's not funny"

"Yeah, It's not funny, It's just that you're too cute hyung"

"Shut up"

He buried his face into Seo Jun's shoulders shyly.

"Okay then, we'll just go to sleep, come"

Seo Jun laid back down and hugged Day in his arms. He pulled the blanket over them and patted Day's head. Brushing through his hair.

The next morning, Day patted around looking for Seo Jun, still half asleep. Only to realize that Seo Jun was not by side. He got up, looked around for Seo Jun

"Jun-ah~ ...Jun-ah... Jun-ah? Seo Jun?"

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