Chapter: 17

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He looked over to see that it was 11 o'clock already. He looked for his phone on the nightstand to see a note beneath his phone. He picked up the note and opened to see


I'm sorry, I cannot see you suffering like this. More than you it hurts me. By the time you're reading this, I'm already gone. I started this, therefore I should also put an end to this. If I'm gone, you can deny all of the news and put an end to it.

Thankyou for giving me a chance and loving me... and Sorry for leaving you Hyung. Don't follow me Hyung, I love you Hyung... "

Day's eyes filled with tears as he read through the note. He got up panicking and wiped his tears away. He put on any shirt he could find and called Seo Jun. Call after call, with no answer. He sat on the couch sobbing. He called Seo Yeong and her too... there was no answer. He grabbed a jacket and headed out. Right when he left the building he was spotted. He ran to his car, calling Seo Jun and Seo Yeong continuously. After 5 calls, Seo Yeong picked up

"Hello, Oppa, why are-"

"Where's Seo Jun?"

"What? isn't he with you?"

"No, He left a note saying he's leaving and isn't picking up my calls"


"I don't know, please, help me find him, please"

"Okay, don't cry, let me try calling him"

Seo Yeong also tried calling him but got the same result... no answer. Day sat in his car thinking on what to do as the people outside waiting to get an answer from him. Then suddenly he remembered about the app Seo Jun had downloaded in both their phones months ago

"Hyung, give me your phone"


"Just give"


"Okay here, now you can know where I am any time"

"Why would I need that?"

"If we have a fight like that and I storm out, you can find me without others finding you"

"So you will storm out like that again?"

"No- I-, Just in case, hyung, I'm sorry"

"Leave it"

He opened the app to see that Seo Jun forgot to turn off his location and that he was at the Seoul Gimpo international airport. He stepped on the accelerator, speeding to the airport. He called Seo Yeong and told where he was going

"I think I found him"

"Really? Where?"

"The airport"

"Shit, He might be going to France"

"Why France?"

"We have a house there, that's the only place he can go"

"Check the time of the next plane to France"

"Okay I'll call you"

Day went even faster knowing how far Seo Jun might go. He kept on calling Seo Jun. Still no answer. After a few minutes Seo Yeong called back saying that the next flight was in 30 minutes. Day had 20 more minutes to reach. He sped up the car. Going around 120 kilometers per hour. He was a minute away from the airport, when disaster struck. His vision was getting blurry from the tears in his eyes. He wiped it away and before he knew it, the car hit a pole. Due to the high speed of the car, it was a very hard collision. The windows broke, a few glass pieces hit his hands and one on his eyebrow. Luckily the airbag inflated in time and he was safe. People gathered around the flashing car. Day opened the door, and got out stumbling. His vision was blurry. He checked the time and saw he only had 10 minutes till the flight takes off. Before he knew it he was recognized by people surrounding him. All of them wrapping around him like ants around honey.

"Isn't that the idol day?" "Is he okay?" "Sir are you okay?"

"I'm fine, move out of my way, please"

"What is he saying?" "Sir you need to go to the hospital"

Day checked the time panicking. Finally he blew up.


The crowd was shocked at his outburst. There was silence. He ran for his life to the airport. Luckily it was close. His car hit the pole just three blocks away from the airport. He ran inside, but at the gate was stopped by security.


"Sir you cannot shout at the airport like this"

"Please let me in, I really need to stop somebody."

"Sir, without checking you can't go inside."

"Sir please, let me go, please I'm begging"

Tears streamed down his face, fighting the guards to let him in. He checked the time again and saw it was too late, right behind him a plane took off. He stopped fighting the security. In pain and disbelief that Seo Jun is gone. His phone was smashed into pieces and not turning on. Having no way out, He turned around, walking away. The crowd appeared around him asking him questions. He kept walking hopelessly, heartbroken. Everything around him went mute. A ringing in his ear. He kept looking around, the flashing cameras.

Just as he had no way out he saw a familiar set of eyes, caught his eyes from afar. He focused on the eyes and recognized the eyes. He moved closer trying to get a clearer view. His eyes lit up when he realized it was the one he was looking for.

"Jun-ah? Seo Jun"

He pushed the crowd away running to him

"Hyung?, HYUNG?!"

Day ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. Day leapt on to him, holding on to him as if he was hanging off a cliff.

"You can't leave me. Please don't"

"Hyung, what are you doing here? There are people around too"

"Please don't leave me, I'm sorry. Please I'm begging you"

Day broke down in his arms, begging him not to leave. Seo Jun gave in to his love's tears. The pain in Day's voice was loud. Seo Jun realized the cameras flashing at them. He picked the coat from his suitcase handle and put it over Day. Even though They knew it was Day, He still had to protect his image.

"You can't leave me, what will I do without you?"

"Okay okay, I'm not leaving. Hyung let's go into that corner, there are too many cameras here"



Day removed the coat hiding him and wiped his tears away. He looked at Seo Jun and said

"I will put an end to this"

"What do you mean?"

Day turned to the crowd and sternly said

"I, Kang Dae, or commonly known as Day, am dating a man, who is right beside me, Kim Seo Jun, And won't ever let him go"

Seo Jun was shocked at Day's brave confession. Day's words left the crowd gasping with shock. Before anyone could ask him further questions, Day turned around and kissed Seo Jun on the lips. The flashes grew brighter with this act. Proving their love. Seo Jun was shocked by Day's act but gave in to the kiss. 

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