Chapter: 3

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He never thought he could get this close to a celebrity let alone his idol. He stood up to leave, once again his Day's holding him back. He peeled off his hand and put the blanket over him and exited his room.

The next morning he woke up to his head throbbing. The sun blinded him, making it worse. He got up from bed heading towards the kitchen. Almost all of his memories of last night were gone. He looked at the living area which was shockingly all clean. It seems that Seo Jun had cleaned the place up before he left. This made it easier for Day.

Seo Jun on the other hand was in a similar case, He was woken up by his sister, head aching from the alcohol. His sister shook him awake. Seo Yeong looked at him disgusted by the smell

"Oh my god, how much did you drink yesterday? you reek so bad"

He sniffed his shirt and coughed. He got in the shower and turned off the water. He thought of what happened last night. He also only remembered only bits of it. The thought of if he said anything he wasn't supposed to say, kept bothering him as the cold water showered upon his body.

He got out drying his hair with a towel to the delightful smell of food being made by his sister. She called him to the table and said to sit down. He sat down to a simple rice, sausage and a fried egg.

"you still only know how to make these three things?"

"hey don't complain, eat what's given. And you're the one who cooks or the maid at home does it"

"ok ok whatever, anyways why are you here so early?"

"dad called you home"

Seo Jun stopped chewing his food. He asked what was the occasion after a pause. She said she didn't know the reason. He nodded bluntly to her and continued to eat. He dropped off Seo Yeong at her school and went to the park for a stroll.

He noticed a big crowd at the park. He approached the crowd. Through the midst of the crowd he saw a familiar set of eyes. It turned out to be Day's event at the park. It was too crowded to even move. People were trying to get closer to Day. Girls screaming out 'my Day' or ' my boyfriend'. The sunlight shined perfectly on him. It was as if he had an angelic glow framing him. Seo Jun admired him from afar as Day sang the lyrics to his songs. Suddenly Day's gaze turned to his. He had noticed Seo Jun. Seo Jun broke the gaze and turned to leave.

A few weeks passed, they only met thrice after that coincidentally. Seo Jun finally received a message from him asking him to help him with something. He ran down to his doorstep waiting for the door to open. Day let him and pulled him into the laundry room. It was small and dark. Seo Jun's imagination went quite far until he was brought back to reality by Day's sharp word telling him to change the bulb for him as he was too short to reach and had no ladder to get up there. He handed him a bulb in his hand and left. He looked at the door blandly with a bulb in his hand. He snapped out and twisted the old bulb and replaced it with the new one.

He got out to see Day cooking. He walked up to him and wrapped his arms around his waist making him flinch. He was brought out of his reverie by Day's words

"YA! Kim Seo Jun!"

"ah sorry what did you say?"

"Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"d-dinner? okay"

"okay sit down, wait a few minutes"

Seo Jun tried hard hiding his smile.

They both sat down and started to eat. Day asked how the food tasted. It was too salty for him but he smiled and said it was good and kept eating it as if it was his last meal or something. Day had it himself and said

"That's too salty, why did you lie?"

"it's not that salty. I like it"

"stop eating it, I'll add some spices to balance the salt."

"it's fine, no need"

Seo Jun turned his bowl away from Day's hands and gobbled down the food. It tasted better knowing that Day was the one who made it. It was safe to say he was heads over heels for him. They got closer throughout the month. Hanging out at each other's places as they couldn't go anywhere else. Day had less work so he was free most of the time. They hung out and chatted day and night. When Day was at a set or an event, at the waiting room he would be on his phone chatting away with Seo Jun.

After a month or so He was finally on hiatus for three and half months. He got home leaned back stretching his arms in the air. He picked up his phone and informed Seo Jun about his hiatus. They were both happy that they had more free time.

It was 10:55 pm, Seo Jun was working on his laptop when he heard the doorbell ring. He looked at the monitor to see Day standing outside in his pajamas which had hearts and cats on it. His hair was a mess and he looked fluffy and squishy. He stood there holding a pillow in his arms waiting for Seo Jun to open the door to let him in. He opened the door and let him in. He went straight to Seo Jun's bed and laid down. Seo Jun stood at the door processing what was happening.

"let me crash here for the night, my ac is not working and I can't sleep, you can continue what you were doing"

Seo Jun turned around confused to see him already tucked in, hugging his pillow. He sat down at his desk and continued to do what he was doing. He checked the time after working and saw that it was 12. He stretched his back and went to his bed. Day was sleeping soundly. He slowly got in trying to be as quiet as possible and not wake up Day. Just as he got in, Day turned around putting his arm and leg on top of him. Seo Jun flinched. He was frozen. His heart started beating faster. Day's warm breath was casting on his shoulders. He put his hand gently on Day's arms, closing his eyes.  

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