Chapter: 12

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Day and Seo Jun were out as usual, Day under cover. They both were in the movie theater watching a film. Day eating the popcorn fully immersed in the movie. Seo Jun sneakily tried to make a move by putting his hand on Day's thigh. But unfortunately Day was too in the movie and smacked his hand right off. Seo Jun didn't give up and took a popcorn and slipped it in Day's mouth, also intentionally putting in his finger and brushing his finger against Day's lips. Instead of Day being flustered, gave the biggest side eye to him. Day finally asked him

"What are you doing?"


"Let me watch the movie"

"Is the movie more interesting than me?"

"Yes, now shut up"

Seo Jun backed up into his seat disappointed, crossing his arms over his chest. After the movie ended, Day got up to leave. But he saw that Seo Jun was still sitting in his seat, sulking. Day asked for his hand and to get up but Seo Jun Refused to give his hand and got up to leave. Day smiled and pulled his hand, but Seo Jun snatched his hand back immediately. Day apologized to him but Seo Jun turned his head away and kept walking. A way to make up to him popped into Day's mind. Day looked around and pulled Seo Jun into a corner where nobody could see. He pulled down his mask and gave a quick kiss. Seo Jun's eyes widened. He quickly gave up his act and kissed him back. Day pulled his mask back on and asked for his hand again. This time Seo Jun gave his hand and held it tightly. They both walked to the car hand in hand. Seo Jun skipping all the way.

"Why are you so happy today?"

"Because you're here with me."

Day shook his head smiling. After they were both home, they changed into their pajamas and went into the bathroom to brush. After brushing both got into the bed cuddling to sleep.

The next morning Day woke up to Seo Jun not being in bed. He got up and went to the kitchen to See him cooking.

"Good morning"

"hyung, You're up?"

"Mm, what are you making?"

"Breakfast, come eat"

Day walked up to Him and hugged him. Seo Jun hugged him back confused.

"Hyung, you okay?"

"Now yes"

"Why? were you not okay before?"

"No I'm fine"

They both pulled away, both looking into each other's eyes. Seo Jun placed his palm on Day's cheek leaning in for a kiss. Day melted into the kiss. Getting on his tiptoes to kiss him. Even though Seo Jun meant it as a quick small kiss, he craved for more. Seo Jun's arms wrapped around him pulling him closer. They slowly backed up kissing. Seo Jun lifted Day onto the counter kissing his neck. Seo Jun Unbuttoning Day's shirt. Seo Jun moved down to Day's collarbone, pulling the shirt off his shoulder. Seo Jun squeezing Day's arms. Just as Seo Jun was about to unbutton the rest of his shirt buttons, Day's phone started ringing. Seo Jun pulled away and said annoyed

"Why does your phone always have the worst timing?"

"Ignore it"

"Just pick it up"

Day got down from the counter and went to pick up his phone. He picked up the phone to his manager. Seo Jun noticed how the phone call was not a casual one.

Seo Jun heard Day kind of shocked, saying 'what do you mean? how? when?'. Seo Jun got concerned hearing Day's tone. Day looked at the message his manager sent him and his eyes showed shock. Seo Jun looked at what he was looking at to his shock. It was photos of them at the mall the last day. Photos of them kissing had made it into the media. The fans were all shocked. Not about him dating but him dating a man.

"How did this happen?"

"Don't know, I guess a fan saw us together yesterday"

Seo Jun pulled out his phone to check it out. These were number one trending on twitter. Article after article getting released. His company getting millions of reporters requesting an interview. His fans were baffled and demanding an explanation. Some mad, some supporting, some not ready to believe it but still defending him. Some are trying to identify Seo Jun. But most of his fans against him. His follower count dropped by a drastic amount. Getting millions of hate and questions from his fans in his private messenger app ( like bubble).

Seo Jun took the phone away from Day's hands and turned it off, telling him to stop looking at the hate messages and comments. Day, still shocked, thinking it will ruin their relationship.

"Hyung, Stop looking at these, people will always talk don't pay attention to them"

"But still this is a big thing now"

"It's fine, I'll be here with you"

His manager told him to stay low and not get out of his apartment. After a few hours, Seo Yeong came in worried

"Oppa, did you see the articles?"

"Seo Yeong-ah what are you doing here?"

"I saw you guy's photos online and saw it blowing up, so I came to check up on you two"

"We saw, Hyung's manager called this morning to tell about it"

"Is Day oppa okay?"

"He's in the room"

"What are you going to do now?"

"We'll wait for the company to say"

"By the way there is a big crowd of reporters and people demanding to see Day oppa"

Seo Jun looked outside the balcony to see a crowd of people waiting for Day to come out. Just as he was looking outside he saw a black car pull up and people surrounding it. Day's manager getting out of the car, cameras flashing in her eyes. Reporters shoving mics in her face asking for answers. The bodyguards got her through the crowd with struggle.

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