Chapter: 5

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Day woke up to see Seo Jun was not by his side, He looked around in his apartment but he was nowhere to be found. A slight panic raised. He called him only to hear ringing and no answer. He grabbed his jacket and went to his apartment, frantically knocking to get no answer. It was silent. He was scared his confession drove him away. Calling him again and again as he kept knocking on the door. His knocks finally slowed down as there was no reply. A voice called out his name


He looked up with tears in his eyes. It was Seo Jun. He quickly got up running and hugged him.

"Where the hell were you? Why didn't you pick up my calls?"


"Where did you go? Why didn't you tell-"

"Hyung, HYUNG! I'm here, I won't go anywhere"

He pulled him off, holding his face, looking at his eyes soaked with tears wiping them away. He unlocked the door and wrapped his hands around Day. After he calmed down, he asked

"Where did you go?"

"I was at my sister's school for her parent teacher meeting"

"What about your parents?"

"Dad was too busy, so I usually go every year"

"Don't go unannounced like that"

"Sorry, I won't"

A rumbling sound came from Day's stomach. He buried his face into Seo Jun's shoulder in embarrassment. Seo Jun chuckled and asked what he wanted for breakfast.

While having breakfast he got his schedule for the day. He had to leave for the company in an hour. After breakfast he went to the kitchen where Seo Jun was washing the dishes.

"I have to go in 30 minutes"

"30 minutes?"

"Mm, I need to shower, so I'll go down"

"Shower here"

"I don't have my clothes here"

"Wear mine"

He nodded and went into the shower. After showering he realized he called out for Seo Jun to bring him clothes and a towel. Seo Jun picked out the smallest set of outfits he had that would fit him. He knocked on the door and Day opened the door grabbing his hand and pulled him in. He tried pinning him against the wall but Seo Jun only broke into laughter seeing how he couldn't reach that far. The day nudged him embarrassed. He stopped laughing and said

"I'll show you how it's done"


Without hesitation he turned them both around and blocked his way with his arms. He leaned in closing his eyes and kissed him. Slowly moving into the shower. Day's hand accidently hit the tap and turned the shower on. Both of them pulled apart as the cold water hit them. Day looked in awe at Seo Jun's body as his white wet shirt clung onto his abs and pecs, brushing back his soaked hair.

"wah! You have a nice body"

Seo Jun confidently said holding Day's waist

"Wanna try it?"

Seo Jun pulled Day's neck and kissed him passionately. Day's ears turned red, heart fluttering from the younger one's words. Seo Jun's hand moved from Day's jaw to his waist pulling him in closer. Unfortunately their steamy moment was interrupted by Day's phone ringing. Seo Jun pulled away away looked at the phone but Day didn't want to stop and said

"Ignore it"

and pulled his face back into a kiss. But the phone was persistent to interrupt them. Day finally gave up and grabbed his phone, annoyed, to see his manager's name. He grabbed a towel and robe and answered it


"Ya! Where are you? I'm at your place"

"Uh... I'm at a friend's place, I'll be down"

"Down? Are you in the building?"

"Yes, I'll come, I'll hang up now, bye"


Day quickly cut the call and went back to Seo Jun coming out of the shower shirtless. He turned around flustered. Seo Jun approached him and said teasingly

"Is this the same person who just kissed me?"

"Shut up, where's the clothes?"


He handed him a set of clothes, A pair of jeans and a hoodie. He went into the room and came out in his clothes. It was slightly big but looked good. He said goodbye and went to his apartment to meet up with his manager. 

In the car Day's manager asked him where he was and just as before he told at a friend's place. She further asked him who's hoodie he was wearing. Day looked at her shocked at how she knew. He asked her so and she replied that it was kind of obvious and because she knew him for years now. He shrugged and said it's the friend's. Her suspicion grew bigger and teasingly asked if they were just a friend. He denied, trying to change the topic.

After a few weeks, Day released a new song called 'you' which left his nights(fans) shocked. The new song was completely different from his usual songs which were more on the pop side but 'you' was more romantic.

He was on a promotional interview where as usual from the fans' side the question of how it is so different from his usual songs arose. He chuckled and raised his mic to speak and said

"uh...I was recently inspired by someone and I really wanted to make it into a song. As for me, Music is a way to express how I feel."

His response left all shocked and suspicious. The host further asked

"Ooh, so Day-ssi, you have a crush on somebody right now?"

"I will be honest because I believe all my nights are like my family and yes I do"

This made his fans excited to know who it was but according to company guidelines he could not reveal it. This confession had both good and bad responses. After seeing this interview Seo Jun came running to him excited and asked him pointing to his phone with the interview on

"Hyung? Were you talking about me?"

Day smiled at his cuteness and how excited he was, He softly said

"If not you, then who else?"

Seo Jun started jumping up and down like a puppy while Day admired him acting like a child. Seo Jun hugged him and asked

"So...Can we date?"

Day hesitated thinking about his company guidelines, and Seo Jun paused understanding him and said

"Sorry, Your company won't allow right,"

"But... I'll tell you later"

Both of them were disappointed.

The next day, Day went to his company and to his manager's cabin to talk about this. As expected she refused but Day persuaded her into allowing but under one condition.

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