Extra. 1

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"Hyung. Will you be late?"

"Yeah, I'll be late today. Did you eat?"

"No. I was waiting for you."

"Don't wait for me. It will take me time here. You can eat and go to sleep. I'll try to finish it sooner"

"Okay. I'll be at your place."

"Mn, Go eat. I love you, bye."

"I love you too hyung"

Day hung up, the phone setting it down and got back to work. Hours passed, Day still at the company. He checked the time to see that it was already 1 am. He wrapped up and picked up his stuff and left for home. He opened the door to see the lights in the living room on. Seo Jun sleeping on the couch. Day walked towards Seo Jun, gently tapped his shoulder, warmly calling his name. Seo Jun slowly opened his eyes, smiling at his Hyung.

"Hyung, You're back?"

"Why are you sleeping here? I told you not to wait for me"

Day said, holding his hand. Seo Jun wrapped his arms around Day's neck and said hazily, smiling.

"It's fine. I can wait all day for you."

"Shut up. Come sleep in the bed."

Day pulled Seo Jun's arm, getting him up from the couch and pulled him to the bed. Seo Jun laid on the bed and got back up seeing Day go out of the room. Seo Jun instantly asked him where he was going. Day smiled and said he was getting water and needed to change. Seo Jun patiently waited for him like a puppy waiting for his owner. Seo Jun extended his arms to Day. Day getting in the bed and hugging him. Seo Jun buried himself in Day's arms. Day feeling all the tiredness vanishes as he holds his lover in his arms. The comforting scent from Seo Jun. The warmth warming up the cold winter night.

The next morning, Day woke up to attend a call. Seo Jun turned around, realizing Day was not next to him. The sleepy hand patting the bed searching for Day. His eyes still closed. Searching for Day like a zombie. Day let out a chuckle and got in the bed hugging him.

Day cupped Seo Jun's cheeks and said

"Come on, wake up. I need to go to the company so do you"


Seo Jun whined, resting his head on Day's shoulder. Day ruffled through Seo Jun's hair and said

"Get up, get up. Come on, how can the CEO of Day&night be late to work"

"It's okay. It's just one day"

"No, get up. Or else..."

Day paused for a second and suddenly started tickling Seo Jun. Seo Jun folded, laughing. Day stopped and got up to leave when seo Jun pulled him back and got his revenge. Day telling him to stop. Seo Jun stopped and looked at Day. Day let out a sigh. He looked into the brown eyes. Day looked back at Seo Jun. The sunlight gently hovered on them. Seo Jun switched gazes from Day's eyes to his lips. Seo Jun slowly leaned in.

"Can I kiss you?"

"When have I ever stopped you?"

Day replied, smiling. Seo Jun placed his lips on the soft lips. Day smiled as he kissed him. Seo Jun gently pulled away and said softly

"I love you hyung."

Day smiled and replied to him

"Why all of a sudden?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to say it."

Day pulled Seo Jun closer and placed a kiss on his lips and said smiling

"I love you too."

After breakfast they both headed out. Giving each other a quick farewell kiss and leaving. Later at the company, a staff member approached Day and told someone wanted to meet him. Day went down to see Seo Jun standing at the lobby with a lunch bag in his hand. Seo Jun's eyes lit up seeing Day. A big smile appeared on his face. He waved his hand at Day. Day walked towards him smiling, asking him why he was here. Seo Jun handed him the lunch bag and said he had some time on break and went home to take it. Day took the bag and said smiling

"You didn't have to. I would've just ate here"

"It's fine. I had to get something from home, so i took this for you"

"Thankyou Jun-ah."

"Will you be late today?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay, I'll be waiting."

"Okay bye bye, love you"

"Love you too."

Day gave him a small, quick hug and turned to leave. Seo Jun walked in the same direction as him, making Day halt. Day turned to Seo Jun, confused. He asked him where he was going. Seo Jun smiled awkwardly and said

"I have to meet your manager Ms. Park for something?"

Day squinted his eyes.

"Why?That's a little suspicious Kim Seo Jun"

"It's about the company. There's nothing suspicious. Don't worry, I'm not having an affair with anyone and especially not Ms.Park."

"I know you won't. You're this in love with me, there's no escape"

Day said, grinning at him. Seo Jun smiled and followed him upstairs. In the evening, Day came home to Seo Jun working. Seo Jun got up and ran towards him to hug him. He handed Day an black envelope and told him to open it. Day opened the seal to see a card. An invitation card. A card with Seo Jun's name. An invitation for a CEO event. Day looked at Seo Jun confused, asking him what it is. Seo Jun smiled and said

"An invitation for CEOs of different small brands"

"I can see that, but why are you giving it to me? Congratulations...?"

Day said, confused. Seo Jun pointed at the lines on the card reading

"Hope to see Mr. Kim Seo Jun of Day & Night.co, along with family or spouse at hotel M on january 17th"

Day still looked confused. Seo Jun let out a sigh and said

"It says I can bring my spouse or family with me."

"Yeah I can see tha-... Oh You're taking Seo Yeong with you? Why does it matter me?"

"Stupid, You're my spouse. I'm asking you to join me not Seo Yeong"

Day paused. Pointing to himself he asked

"Me? But..."

"No buts. If you're worried about what others will say, ignore them and look at me."

Day thought for a few moments.

"I need to ask Ms.park"

"I already asked, she gave me permission to take you. Okay now you can't deny it. You have to join me at the event."

"So that's why you were at the company. Okay as long as she says it's fine."

Seo Jun hugged Day, smiling from ear to ear.

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