Chapter: 13

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Day's manager entered the house to see Seo Yeong and Seo Jun talking in the kitchen. They both bowed to pay respect and introduced themselves

"Hi, I'm Kim Seo Jun"

"Day's boyfriend right?"

"Yeah, and this is my sister Kang Seo Yeong, don't worry she won't do anything"

"Okay, where's Day?"

Seo Jun informed her that Day was in his room. She went into the room to see Day looking out of the balcony from inside. Guessing he was looking at the crowd waiting for him. Manager sat down and explained the situation. She told how the company wasn't much bothered but the public was. She remarked about the risks and how this can be a problem that could end his career as an idol. How he could and is getting a lot of hate. Day stayed silent, contemplating about it.

After an hour they both came out of the room, Day was dressed to go out. Day saw Seo Jun and Seo Yeong waiting for them. They asked what happened, The manager explained how they had to go to the company to sort this out. She said that they would have to talk to the higher ups in this matter. They both left the place and when the doors opened, people surrounded him. This time it was more than usual and it was a little violent. Many cameras flashing in his face more than usual. People trying to get Day to answer. Day lowered his head, scared of the crowd. The guards trying to push through the crowd. When he finally reached the company, they went up to the meeting room to discuss. Day was given the option of coming out and officially confirming their relationship, but seeing the majority of the public being against it, The company chose not to do anything and Rather that Day went on hiatus for the time being.

On the way back he was met with the same overwhelming crowd of people making Day feel suffocated. A person even threw an object at him. When Day reached back, he saw Seo Jun waiting for him. Seo Jun immediately ran up to him to hug him. Day felt overwhelmed by the large crowd and the hate from the people. But when he was finally with Seo Jun, he felt safe, his mind at ease. All the fear fading away. After having dinner, Seo Jun hugged Day again to make him feel better. And it did work. Day felt a little better.

The next few days, Day didn't go out. And when he did, He would get surrounded by a large crowd. But life inside was not much different, He got hate messages and comments every other day. One day when Seo Jun was picking up the mail for the both of them, He saw a letter which looked weird. When he got back he opened to see Day's photos with his eyes and neck scratched. He quickly hid it when he heard Day coming. Day asked what he was hiding and Seo Jun insisted on not showing it.

The threats online, Accounts created just to hate on him and post about him being gay and disgusting. This topic was the hot topic. Even though there were people on Day's side, most Koreans and homophobes were against him. Calling him names whenever he went out.

Seo Jun was seriously getting worried about Day's mental and sometimes even physical health. He even thought of breaking up in order for Day to not face it and be able to deny the photos. But his heart telling him to hold on to Day, tighter. Seo Yeong visited them frequently, keeping Day company when Seo Jun was out shopping or just in general.

Seo Jun stopped Day from going on social media so he doesn't see all the hate. But Day was bound to see it anyway. With Seo Jun beside him, he was able to forget about the world sometimes... only sometimes.

The company stayed silent making the public even more furious.

Seo Jun was in charge of shopping all the time as Day didn't go outside the house. Seo Jun was at the convenience store at the apartment. He was at the snack aisle picking up some things for Day and him when he overheard Day's name. He paused, trying not to focus on the girls behind him talking, but the things they said were too much to ignore. He took a slight glance at them and saw the girl in a gray top telling her friend

"Have you heard about idol Day? He's gay!"

"Really, no wonder why he is so girly. So disgusting"

Seo Jun turned around but as soon as he was about to face them, a hand stopped him.


He turned to see Seo Yeong. She stopped him and told him to go, for the sake of Day's image. Seo Jun understood that a man defending Day would make it worse. He went to the cash register to check out. When he was waiting for the items to be billed he heard arguing. He recognized the voice and went to check it out. It turned out that Seo Yeong was arguing with the two girls defending Day. He saw her ready to get hands on. He immediately stopped Seo Yeong from going too far and dragged her away as she still scolded the girls. He asked why she was so agitated. Seo Yeong replied annoyed

"They were talking so smack about Day oppa"

"We can't change others mind Seo Yeong"

"But still-"

"Don't do anything like that again"

"I don't know why you're mad at me. You're literally his boyfriend"

"I'm not mad, I'm just surprised, and I don't want you to get hurt"

He ruffled her hair making it a mess and went back to Day. He warned her not to tell Day about what had happened. Seo Yeong nodded to him.

After this incident, Seo Jun was getting more worried. Day was more tired, but he plastered a fake smile across his face in front of Seo Jun. Saying he wasn't happy all the time would be a lie, at times he was genuinely happy to have Seo Jun and Seo Yeong by his side at times like this. But Seo Jun knew that most of it was forced. He knew that Day was doing this so as to not worry him but faking a smile was even more worrying to Seo Jun. He started to overthink it. Not being able to do anything for the person he loved...

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