Chapter: 20

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As Day knew what Seo Jun did, he was more open and worked at home. Day saw him work on his laptop and asked him to specify what he did. Seo Jun told him how his father wanted him to work at his company but he refused as he didn't want that. After a few months of silence Seo Jun finally proved to his father that he doesn't need his father's help by starting his own clothing and accessories brand called Day & Night. After Day's fans found out about their relationship, sales of his brand had quadrupled.

Day asked if it was named after him and his fans, Seo Jun denied and said he came up with the name even before liking Day.

"I guess it's fate then"

Said Day, smiling. Day called him to sleep and after brushing they both went to bed, wrapped around each other like vines.

Three months passed like nothing. Both were busy with their own works but still made time for each other the best they could. Sooner or later, they became business partners, Day modeling for Seo Jun's brand.

It was a shooting day, Seo Jun came in early to get everything ready. The staff rushed in and out of the studio. At 10:00 am, as scheduled, Day showed up. He greeted everyone smiling, but eyes looking for Seo Jun. A staff at the shoot noticed Day's eyes and said

"Mr. Kim is currently managing something outside"

"Oh, was it that obvious?"

"Kind of?"

They both laughed it off and Day headed to his dressing room. The hair, makeup and styling crew were already there in the room. After he got changed, the hair and Make up artist started working on their parts. After one hour or so, Seo Jun came to check how it was going. Day was getting his hair did and was on the chair in front of the mirror. Day peeked at the corner of his eye. Seo Jun was standing and admiring him as if he just saw him for the first time.

"Oh! You're here"

Asked Day turning to him. Seo Jun wasn't in his usual attire, that is a simple sweatshirt or t-shirt with sweatpants. Today he was a little bit more formal. A long pair of black pants, white turtleneck and a long black trench coat, paired with silver and black metal rings and chains.

"Woah! you look so different today"

"In a good or bad way?"

As he was walking towards Day, he signaled the staff to step outside and in no time all the staff left the room.

"Well what do you think?"

"I want to know what you think. I got all ready just because you are coming and I had a position to uphold"

"What position?"

"The CEO of the company and the boyfriend of Kang Dae"

"You did well then"

"As the CEO or...Hyung's boyfriend?"

Seo Jun lifting Day's chin, asking for it


Seo Jun leaned in and kissed Day.

Day's manager was stopped by the staff outside . She asked why they were outside and where Day was. The hair stylist standing outside told her that Seo Jun told them to go out. She let out a big sigh and went in

"Day, your at work not at home"

Day and Seo Jun backed off startled by the sudden scolding. Day nervously laughed as the stylist came back in and continued with his hair. Seo Jun apologized and exited the room. After he was done getting ready he came out when he was called. Seo Jun admired Day. Minute by minute Day changed his pose. As expected he was quite the expert. After a few hours and 3 sets of outfit, it was time for lunch break. Seo Jun came in with food for everyone. He and his staff distributed the lunch to everyone in the studio. He took one and went to Day's dressing room where Day was resting. He sat down beside him and opened it to feed it. Day scrolled through his phone as Seo Jun fed him.

"What are you looking at?"


"You look so invested in your phone"

"Why? jealous?"

"Should I be?"

"No no, I'm just looking through some comments from our post."

"Read them to me"

" 'Oh my god they are so cute' 'Day finally looks so happy' 'his boyfriend is so hot' 'ew..."

Day's smile quickly faded away as he saw the last comment. Seo Jun took the phone from his hand and looked at it. He looked at the replies and saw Day's fans bashing the person. He laughed at it and showed it to Day

"Look, they got what they deserve"

Day ignored it and opened his mouth asking for food for which Seo Jun gladly gave.

After eight whole hours of shooting they wrapped it up. Everybody was tired from it. Seo Jun thanked the staff and Day. Day turned to his manager and asked

"Can I go with him?"

His manager nodded and told Seo Jun to get him home safely. Seo Jun agreed and told Day to wait in the dressing room. Day nodded and waited for half an hour for Seo Jun to wrap everything up. After he did, he went to the dressing room to see that Day had fallen asleep waiting for him. He gently called his name putting his hand on his shoulder. Day woke up and asked if he was done to which Seo Jun nodded. They both left for home and when they reached Day plopped on to the bed tired.

"Aren't you gonna shower?"

Seo Jun asked him while getting his pajamas and towel.

"Help me"

"Come on get up"

He pulled Day's hand, lifting him up and taking him to the shower.

"Should I join?"

"Then why else would I tell you to help me to the shower?"

Seo Jun Smirked as he took off his clothes and went in to kiss Day. 

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