Extra. 4

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"Hyung~ I'm dyingggg, waaaah"

Seo Jun whined holding onto Day's sleeves. Day pulled back his sleeve and said aggressively

"Oh my god. You're not dying. It's just a small cold."

"No Hyungg, I'm gonna die."

"Shut up and eat this"

Day shoved a pill in his mouth and handed him a glass of water. Seo Jun frowned. Holding onto Day's sleeves. Day peeled Seo Jun off of him and went to the kitchen, calling his manager, asking for a day off. Day returned to Seo Jun with a bowl of warm congee.

"Get up and eat this"

Seo Jun slowly got up pouting. Day heaved a sigh and picked up the bowl and spoon. Picking up a little bit of it and blowing it cool before giving it to Seo Jun. Day wiped his mouth gently and took the tray to leave. Seo Jun stopped him by pinching his sweatshirt. Looking down at the blanket pouting.

"Stay with me..."

Seo Jun mumbled to him.


"Stay with me! Please"

"Just go to sleep"

Day said coldly. Seo Jun hit the sheets throwing a fit like a child outside a candy store

"Aahh You don't love me anymore. Just stay with me please"

Seo Jun whined. Day rolled his eyes. Pushing Seo Jun down onto the bed by Seo Jun's head.

"Let me put this away first"

Seo Jun laid down patiently waiting for his hyung to get back. Day put away the dishes and sat on the couch next to the bed.

"I'll be here. Go to sleep"

Seo Jun wrapped the blanket around himself and walked up to Day. Day told him to go back to bed but Seo Jun shook his head and laid on the couch next to Day, resting his head on Day's lap. He took Day's hand and placed it on his head telling him to stroke his hair. Day unknowingly smiled at Seo Jun's behavior. Gently stroking Seo Jun's head. Seo Jun slowly dozed off to the warm touch. 

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