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Seo Jun came back from the office to the empty house. This was normal as Day got home late. After a few minutes, he got a call from Day asking where he was. Seo Jun answered him confusedly, telling him he was in Day's apartment.

"Then I'll be at your place. Do NOT come"

"What? Why- Hyung? Dae Hyung?"

Before he could say anything, Day hung up the call. Seo Jun went upstairs to his room confused. As soon as he got in, Day ran to the bedroom locking the door behind him. Seo Jun followed him. Knocking on the door.

"Go back down, don't come near for a few days. I have a viral fever and a cold."

"You're sick?! And you're telling me to go away!!. Let me in"

"No, listen to me. Go down. I'll take care of myself"

"I won't go. I'll stay here to take care of you."

"Jun-ah don't be stubborn, I don't want to get you sick"

"I don't care. It's fine, my immune system is really good. I'll go make food for you. Did you have medicine yet?"

"I was going to have it but you came in."

"Okay. Wait there then"

Seo Jun went into the kitchen to make congee for him. Day still didn't open the door. After a few minutes Seo Jun once again knocked on the door with medicine and congee. Day told him to leave it there and go. Seo Jun refused and stood before the door telling him to open it. Day finally gave up and opened it wearing a mask. Seo Jun set down the food on the side table

"Eat the medicine and go to sleep early"

Seo Jun said frowning. Day nodded to him and pushed him out of the room. Seo Jun sat down on the couch. After some time he went into his room to take the tray back. By that time Day had already fallen asleep. Seo Jun took the tray to the kitchen. He went back into the room to check on Day. He gently placed his hand on Day's forehead, checking his temperature. Day's head was burning up. Covered in sweat.

Seo Jun came back with a towel and water to wipe down Day. He gently glided the wet towel on Day's face and neck. After he was done, he sat on the couch soon dozing off. The next morning Day got up to Seo Jun's warm call. Seo Jun sat before him.

"Have breakfast"

"I told you not to come inside without my permission"

"Then I'll never get that permission. It's fine, Seo Yeong always falls ill like this and it has never gotten me sick."

Day gave in, letting out a sigh. After having breakfast and medicine, Day went back to bed. Seo Jun stayed beside his side even though Day told him not to.

A few days passed. Day was better but still not fine for going back to work. Seo Jun took half a day off from work everyday to take care of Day. Day finally stopped wearing the mask as he felt he was better than before, but he still didn't go to work.

Seo Jun set down the bowls for dinner. Day sat down to eat. He scrolled through his phone as he ate. After he had dinner he hopped in the shower to freshen up before bed. Just as he got in the shower the door opened. Seo Jun got inside and started taking off his clothes. Day frantically asked him

"Hey, what are you doing? Why are you taking off-"

"Let me join"

" no get out, I still have a cold. Get out!"

"It's fine. Just a quick one please"

Seo Jun whined. Day still didn't give in to his whining and told him to get out. Seo Jun got in the shower and placed his hand on Day's waist and shoulder, trying to pull him into a kiss. Day pushed him off and said

"Seo Jun! Get out."

"Please hyung~ You haven't kissed me in a whole week. Not even a hug. Please. I won't get sick"

"Tsk Jun-ah don't be-"

Before Day could finish his sentence, Seo Jun pulled his hand and kissed him. Day slowly gave in to the warm kiss. The hand hitting him slowly calmed down to the touch. Seo Jun slowly moved him back. Day's back twitched from the cold bathroom tiles. The shower suddenly turned on. The warm water showered upon them. Day's hand glided down seo Jun's spine. Seo Jun turned Day around gently pushing him against the glass divider. He kissed Day's nape and shoulder. Their hands interlaced in each other against the fogged up glass wall. Both of them breathing heavily. Seo Jun breathily asked Day, getting near his ears

"Dae Hyung, can I put it in?"

"We've already reached here, just do it"

Day replied in an annoyed tone. Seo Jun grinned and kissed Day.

They both laid on the bed. Day laying on top of Seo Jun. Seo Jun brushing his fingers through Day's hair. Day moved his hand off and turned around. Seo Jun placed his hand on Day's shoulder and asked him

"Are you mad at me? I'm sorry."

"Go to sleep. It's late"

"Then hug me"

"Just go to sleep. It's hot"

Day replied. Seo Jun got up and turned down the cooling, making the room colder. Day still laid turning his back to him. Seo Jun slid his arms around Day's waist and lifted Day's head, resting it on his arm. Seo Jun pulled him in closer and whispered lightly in his ear

"I love you hyung"

"Mm, sleep"

"You're not gonna say it back?"

"I love you too"

Day answered in a low tone. Seo Jun smiled and pecked Day's head before saying goodnight.

Day said back to him mumbling

"Don't whine to me if you get sick"

"I won't. I'm strong you know"

A few days passed by. Day was all better... 

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