Chapter: 6

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Day went back after practicing and saw Seo Jun waiting by his door with a box in his hand. He got up happily and walked up to him


"What are you doing here?"

"Let's go inside first, It's cold"

They both went inside his apartment and he set down the box and when he opened it the aroma of cookies spread in the kitchen. Day asked what it was and He said he baked some cookies for him. Day gladly took one and took a bite. The balance between sweet sugar and the salty caramel was a match made in heaven. It was soft and chewy on the inside with crispy edges and a soft taste and smell of vanilla. He exclaimed how good it tasted. Seo Jun admired him as he enjoyed the cookies, happy that he liked them. He did his little habit of a little happy dance when he had good food, Seo Jun smiled at him seeing how cute he looked doing it.

Later on they were watching the TV when Day said

"I have something to ask you"

"Ask away"

He got up from his hands and looked at him hesitantly,

"You remember what you asked yesterday right?"

"Ah.. about that, forget it I-"

"No, I want to"

Seo Jun stopped mid sentence he couldn't believe his words, He sat up straight and asked

"Wait, You want to..."

"Date you, so... will you?"

"Yes yes yes a million times yes"

He jumped on him hugging him smiling from ear to ear.

"Are you joking or is this actually happening?"

"It's real,"

"We're... "

"Dating, You're my boyfriend and I'm your boyfriend"

"This is not a dream right?"

"Let's see then"

He held his jaw and pulled him into a kiss. It was delicate yet passionate. Seo Jun slowly took the lead, slowly laying him down. His hand reached out to the remote and turned off the TV. He slowly dimmed the lights while kissing him. His hand moved to waist, slipping it under his shirt. Slowly moving up and removing his shirt. Day looked at him and his shirt and lifted it halfway and the rest was done by Seo Jun himself. Seo Jun leaned down and kissed his lips and neck. Seo Jun started sucking on his neck and was quickly stopped by Day

"you'll leave a mark"


Seo Jun smirked and moved to his chest and left a mark there. He moved back up and kissed his lips. his hand pulled up his leg squeezing his thigh. He slowly moved his hand towards Day's pants but Day stopped his hand and said

"I... I'm still not ready for that"

"It's okay Hyung, I said I'll wait and I still will"


"of course"

He kissed him for a second and got off him.

The next evening, while Day was at Seo Jun's place, He was finding the airfryer as Seo Jun told him to. He asked where it was and he said the cupboard next to his room. He went as told and opened a closet which was overflowing with his merch, albums, standees, and even the body pillow. Day was shocked and after hearing crashing sounds Seo Jun guessed what had happened and rushed to him.

"Hyung, Hyung wait-"

"Why do you have so much of my stuff"

Seo Jun panicked as he closed the door blocking it

"Uh... It's my sister's, yes my sister's"

"Really, all of it?"


"Then why does this say, Kim Seo Jun?"

He held up a poster of him. He quickly snatched it, embarrassed. Day giggled.

"Okay, not ALL of it"

Day squinted his eyes squeezing the truth out of him

"Okay okay they are mine, so what are you gonna do about them? I already got you"

"I'm just messing with you, so are you a big fan of mine?"

"Wasn't it obvious?"

"I tend to be quite slow"

He wrapped his arms around his neck and gave a quick peck on his cheek and walked away telling him to find the fryer himself.  The next morning, as usual Day was getting ready to leave. After having breakfast he grabbed his coat and glasses and left the house. But just as he stepped out of the house he got back in. Seo Jun asked if he forgot something. Day smiled and kissed Seo Jun's lips and left smiling

" I'll go now, love you bye."

Seo Jun's knees weakened from the kiss and he folded, blushing like crazy.

"...Love you too hyung" 

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