Chapter: 19

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"Me and Hyung are dating"

His dad lowered his glasses to look at Day. There was a loud silence in the room. After what felt like eternity, his dad replied

"I saw the news."

"Hyung's company has to release an official statement regarding it"

"Why does it matter to me?"

His dad pranced around the room.

"Do what you like, what's done is done"

His tone wasn't much pleasing. It didn't sound like he was glad with the news but also he didn't oppose it. Day was sweating bullets, the pressure was on. He doesn't feel this nervous even when he's about to go on stage. Day asked Seo Jun's dad

"You don't oppose it?"

Seo Jun held Day's hand. His dad broke into laughter.

"Why would I? No How could I? There is nothing I can do"

Seo Jun wasn't happy with his behavior.

"Thank you"

He got up to leave and just as he was about to, his dad stopped him

"Return home some days. Tag him along if you can"

"Yes father"

Seo Jun left the room with Day. Day let out a huge sigh of relief. He asked what the tension was about. Seo Jun told him how he and his dad never got along after he found out he was gay and was dropping out of school. But some time later, his dad accepted it but still they never got along well.

Day felt bad for him. Seo Jun had only Seo Yeong to call his true family. Even if he had a dad, he wasn't a good one. And his mom passed away. From that day onwards, Day made it his duty to be his family.

The next day, As the company said they released a statement saying

"This is xxx entertainment,

It is official that Day(Kang Dae) is in a relationship with Kim Seo Jun, a non celebrity, son of Kim Dohyun. They have been in a relationship for 11 months now, and hope to see the public's support.

xxx entertainment."

The public was quite shocked about the fact that Seo Jun was Kim Dohyun's son. This time the majority of people were on Day's side. But all were not supportive. There was a part of people who opposed his relationship. Which mostly included older generations. But Day ignored all the negatives and focused on his life with his boyfriend. He was glad, now that he could go out with him without the need of hiding.

The couple went out on a date as they usually do but this time Day wasn't all covered up looking like he was ready to stalk someone. After strolling in the nearby park, they were spotted by fans. This time around only a few approached them and just asked for Day's autograph, picture with him and congratulated them and went on with their day. Day was overjoyed to see that everything was back to normal. After some time of walking around hand in hand, chitchatting, Day stopped and sat down, telling how his feet hurt from his shoes. Seo Jun looked at Day's shoes which were platforms.

"I told you to wear something comfortable"

"I didn't know we'll be walking there, plus you're so tall and I didn't want to look like a minion next to you"

Seo Jun sounded a tad bit annoyed. Hearing his tone, Day also got annoyed. Mad that he was nagging. Seo Jun told him to wait and left without saying anything else. Twenty five minutes later, Seo Jun came back with a paper bag in his hands. He was also panting slightly. He took out a box from the bag and got down taking Day's feet on his knees. Day pulled back his feet embarrassed.

"Hey, What are you doing?"

"Just put your leg here"

Day cooperated, hiding his face. Then he realized what Seo Jun was doing. Seo Jun took off Day's shoes and kept them aside. He opened the box to reveal a pair of new shoes. He then put them on Day's feet and told him to see if it was comfortable. Day got up and did a little test stomp.

"Wah, these are so comfortable. Thank you, I thought you were mad and left"

"Why would I leave?"

Day got up smiling, held Seo Jun's hand and gave him a small kiss on the cheek said

" I love you"

"I love you too" 

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