Chapter: 7

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IIt had been 3 months since they started dating, and as Day was famous they spent time inside. One day Seo Jun asked him out on a date and Day hesitated. Just as he was about to say anything Seo Jun took out a black cap, sunglasses and a mask. He said nobody can recognize him and they can go out together. He finally agreed on the next Sunday.

When the next Sunday rolled around both of them were excited for their date. Seo Jun woke up at 6 to prepare kimbap for the both of them and packed the food. He laid out many sets of outfits deciding on which one to wear. Just as he was thinking hard, Day came in and pointed to one of them telling him to wear that. Without hesitation Seo Jun picked that and changed into it. He came out and did a little 360 in front of Day showing his outfit. Day smiled heartily and held his hand and asked where they were going. He said it was a secret and grabbed his jacket and bag and headed out. Before getting out of the car he took out the cap, glasses and mask. He put on the cap, glasses and mask. Day pulled down his mask and pulled him into a quick kiss and got out. Seo Jun got flustered.

Day looked around to see a beautiful park filled with couples on dates. Seo Jun set everything and sat down with him. He asked what they were doing and Seo Jun said

"We're on a date"

"I know that too but what are we doing?"

"This and we'll go shopping and have dinner"

Seo Jun looked in as he pulled out the kimbap. Although it was just a simple kimbap, each part of it was made by Seo Jun. He woke up early just to make it. He pulled down his mask, popped one in and pulled it back up quickly.

"Wah! you should really open a restaurant"

"Do you like it?"

"Yes It's delicious"

"I'm glad you like it"

"Anything you cook is good"

Seo Jun couldn't contain his smile. After an hour or so they both went to a mall, walking around, from shop to shop. Seo Jun slowly reached out to his hand, interlacing his hand in Day's. Day looked back startled. Seo Jun quickly let go trying not to make him uncomfortable and apologized. Day reached out his hand, asking for him to hold it. Seo Jun's face lit up and he held his hand and walked around. They went shopping for clothes and played in the arcade. Seo Jun let him win purposefully, just to see him smile. He admired Day as he looked at the lights hanging from the ceiling. His eyes sparkling, it was as if he held stars in his eyes.

After shopping, it was already 8, They went to a fancy restaurant and sat down at the table with a beautiful city view. As they ate, Seo Jun's phone started ringing. He checked who it was and set it down, ignoring it.

"Who is it?"

"my dad"

"Pick it then"

"Nah, it's fine, i have someone more important here"

But the phone kept ringing, changing from his dad to his sister. Finally he picked up his sister's call. Day noticed how his face changed in a second. It seemed quite serious. After he hung up, Day asked what it was about and if everything was fine. Seo Jun changed his expression to a more merry one and said it was a business matter. Day asked again if it was fine. Seo Jun placed his hand on day's and said

"Everything's fine, I just have to go to the office tomorrow to sort it out"

"Office? where's that?"

"Uh.... it's a small building, you wouldn't know. Eat"

"Okay okay"

Day was suspicious of what and where Seo Jun worked because he never told about his profession other than that his dad was a CEO of a big company and he was doing his own business. But he chose to respect his decision of not talking about his work as he did not want to be too nosy. After dinner they left for home. When they both reached Day's apartment, Day invited Seo Jun in and to spend the night. Seo Jun gladly accepted the offer and stepped in. After Seo Jun was done showering, he saw Day to be already asleep.  

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