Chapter: 15

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In the morning Day had recovered and was getting discharged. His apartment was getting cleaned, so he stayed at Seo Jun's. In the evening Day's manager came to him to talk about the incident. She also asked Seo Jun if he saw who put the box at the door. Seo Jun replied honestly stating that there was no one at the door and just the box. She went to the security to ask for the CCTV footage. They looked at the footage and someone in a black jacket, mask and a cap, making it impossible to see the face. They traced the person and found them going to a place where there was no CCTV around. But after a few minutes a man is seen getting out of the corner and going into one of the apartments. They suspected it was him and went to the apartment with the police. The police knocked on the door but no one answered it. They went to the security asking for the key.

When they opened the door to the house, as expected there was nobody. It wasn't as if he had moved out, but just went out. They monitored the corridor of the apartment and at 7:00PM, the man was spotted getting into his apartment. They contacted the police stating the suspect was back. They went one more time and knocked on the door. This time a man opened the door. He looked like he was in his mid 30s, dark circles under his eyes, hands seemed like he did physical work, greasy dark hair. The smell of chemicals reeked from him, making the police suspect him more.

"Sir, you're under arrest for threatening and injuring a person. You have the right to get an attorney or stay silent"

"What do you mean? I'm innocent- let me go"

"Sir, please cooperate"

The police handcuffed him and got him to the police station. The police skimmed through his apartment to find explosives, various chemicals and small cameras. He used the excuse of working in a laboratory as his defense. The laboratory was contacted and he was indeed a staff at the laboratory but they were not aware of him Taking the chemicals from the laboratory without permission.

They ran a background check on him and found out that he was in two stalking cases in the past. He finally admitted it and when they asked the reason he said

"Because he's a disgusting sissy. I hate gays"

All the evidence being against him and his confession pleaded guilty and was punished for a jail time of 2 years which could be extended.

The company announced about the incident and everyone was shocked. Day's apartment was even more guarded. No one except him, his manager, Seo Jun, and Seo Yeong was allowed to enter the apartment. The next morning Day saw Seo Jun zoning out. He was really in his thoughts. He looked stressed. Day called his name but Seo Jun was deep in his thoughts.

"Yah! Kim Seo Jun!"

"Oh, what Hyung? you okay?"

"Are you okay? I've been calling your name so many times what are you thinking so deep about"

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something, nothing serious"

"What, nothing serious? It's written all over your face. What are you thinking about? You can tell me"

"It's nothing"

Day set down the bowl in his hand on the table and went to Seo Jun, on the couch, sitting on his lap facing him. Seo Jun placed his hands on Day's waist as he sat. Day put his arms around Seo Jun's neck and held his face.

"Look at me. Tell me what's wrong"

"it's... just that I'm worried about you Hyung"

Seo Jun finally told him what was on his mind since the past week.

"Why are you worried? I'm fine, I have you by my side"

"But still, after we started dating and it got out, you are getting a lot of hate for it. It's worrying me. Only if I hadn't let my feelings take over. If only I never-"

"Hey, It's not your fault. Without you, I would've lived an even harder life. After meeting you I have a place to call home. This apartment isn't cold and dark when I get back from practice. After meeting you, I'm always welcomed by a warm and cozy hug which makes all my tiredness go away. No one knew how hard it was for me, How lonely and suffocating it was for me. But after meeting you I feel at ease. You're warm."

Seo Jun melted in his words, tears filling his eyes. He put his palm on Day's cheek and back of his neck, looking into his dreamy eyes. He slowly leaned in closer and closer, kissing Day's lips. As he closed his eyes, a tear fell from the corner of his eye. The warmth of their breaths comforting each other. Day's fingers running through Seo Jun's hair. Seo Jun pulled him in closer and closer by the second. In the middle of the kiss Day stopped him saying his legs hurt as they were bent backwards

"Jun- ah, This isn't the best position, My legs are starting to hurt"

"Should we go to the bedroom?"

He asked breathily. Day nodded and within no time, Seo Jun, got up picking him up and started walking to the bedroom. He gently laid him down on the bed and removed his shirt. He lowered back down to Day and kissed his lips. Getting the taste of Day's sweet lips

"Hyung, did you eat candy?"

"Yeah why?"

"It's sweet"

Seo Jun ran his thumb along Day's lips, pressing it. Day opened his mouth slightly and Seo Jun put his finger inside his mouth, fondling his tongue as he kissed his neck. Day made muffled moans. He opened Day's mouth wider and kissed him, letting his tongue in.

Seo Jun slowly put his hand into Day's shirt. He moved his hands up along Day's bare waist, taking the shirt off. Seo Jun kissed down his body, sucking on Day's nipples.

Seo Jun moved his hand to Day's pants, pulling the string loose. He caressed Day, making Day roll his eyes back.

"Can I?"

"Just put it in for fuck's sake" 

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