Chapter: 22

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"Go sleep in the guest room, It's late "

Seo Jun said after Seo Yeong came out of the shower. She nodded and went to the guest room.

Seo Jun looked to find Day. Day was outside on the balcony on a call. He was talking to his manager about the case. The case was filed and three guys were in the lock up. All of them denied and said they were innocent but after seeing the CCTV footage they came clean.

After he was done he told how it was going to Seo Jun. Seo Jun was mad about it.

"She's fine now~"

"I know, but still, those bastards..."

"Okay okay leave it, the police will take care of them."

"What would have happened if you weren't there? I won't be able to forgive myself"

"Don't think about that. I came in time and saved her. She's safe now. Don't think too much of it"

Day pulled Seo Jun into a hug and told they should go to sleep. Seo Jun nodded and went to bed with him.

The next day, there was a knock at the door. Day opened the door to see Hwa Young standing there, panting. He let her in and asked why she was panting. She told how she heard about what had happened to Seo Yeong from her brother who was one of the three guys and that she was called into the police station as his guardian. Day's smiling face quickly turned sour. Seo Jun overheard this and grabbed Hwa Young by the collar.

"How dare you show up in our house after what your brother has done to my sister?!"

Day tried pulled him off her

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry? After what your brother did to my sister?"

Finally when Day managed to get him off, Hwa Young fell to her knees. Her head kept low, hands on her knees

"I'm really sorry. I've already beat up my- no that bastard. I feel very guilty. I will make sure he gets the punishment he deserves. Even if the station doesn't do anything, I will"

Day told her to get up but she refused. She said she will keep kneeling to let Seo Jun know her sincerity. Seo Jun told her to stay away from Seo Yeong from that day onwards. She tightened her fists and said

"I'm sorry. But please let me see Seo Yeong"

"Get out, and never come back"

"Please... I know what Hwi Young has done and I will never let him get in sight of Seo Yeong but please don't stop me from meeting her, please"


She kept her head low, her nails pressing against her palm leaving marks. Day got her up and escorted out and told her it would be best if she did as Seo Jun told. Hwa Young went back to her car, tears streaming down her face. She drove to the police station where her brother Hwi Young was. She stormed into the station demanding to see him. When they called him out and got him in front of her, she left no time to spare and punched him. One after another. The police quickly got her off of him and held her.


It took three female polices to hold her back. She told them to leave her. Once they did, she brushed her hair back glaring at him. She turned to the police and said

"One last one"

Before the police could even react she punched Hwi Young to the ground and walked out of the station. The police rushed after her and before they could say anything she said

"I didn't kill him. And here, the fine for hitting him"

She handed them a stack of money which was more than the fine and headed off to her car and drove off. A week later it was informed to Seo Jun and Day that the three of them will be getting two months of juvenile imprisonment. It turned out that the parents couldn't bail them out as Hwa Young didn't let them. She talked with the parents and they accepted it as they felt bad for Seo Yeong and was slightly intimidated by Hwa Young. And of course she didn't let her own father bail Hwi Young out.

Seo Jun still didn't let Hwa Young meet Seo Yeong. He dropped Seo Yeong off every time and picked her up. Hwa Young still lurked around Seo Yeong but never showed her face to Seo Yeong. No matter how hard she tried Seo Jun didn't let her meet Seo Yeong. At her graduation ceremony She stayed far from her. Sent the bouquet of flowers through her class mate with a note saying sorry along with a big box of chocolates. 

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