Chapter: 18

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Day pulled away from the kiss and held Seo Jun's hand. Interlacing their fingers. There was a second of silence, then followed by questions like, is it real? Are you gay? For how long have you been dating?.

"I'll release an official statement regarding this. For now, Yes I am dating a man."

Most of the people in the crowd started cheering and clapping as they walked off. On their way out, They met with Seo Yeong, who had rushed with her friend. She had heard Day's statement and praised him for it.

"So when's the wedding?"

She said, teasing them both. Seo Jun tapped her on the head telling her to shut up. She stuck out her tongue mocking him. Day stopped them from fighting and told them to go back together. A girl was standing beside her smiling.

"Who's this?"

"My friend who gave me a ride here"

"hello, I'm Park Hwa Young"

The girl didn't look the same age as Seo Yeong. She looked older. As if she was a college student. She was tall and had long hair. Her eyes were sharp, yet the way she looked at Seo Yeong was soft.

She offered to drop them back at the apartment. They asked where they were parked and Hwa Young revealed a black BMW. Which looked like the latest model, which was expensive. Hwa Young's style made even more sense. The car and her dressing Style matched perfectly. It was clear she was quite rich. Seo Jun and Day's jaw dropped upon seeing this.

"Where did you find a friend like this?"

Day asked in awe. Seo Yeong chuckled saying

"She found me, not me finding her"

"I still have to approve"

Said Seo Jun, scanning Hwa Young, head to toe.

"She's just a friend"

"That's what I said with him also, surprise surprise, I just announced to the world he's my boyfriend"

Day said, teasing her.

"Okay okay enough teasing, get in."

They all got it and drove back to the apartment. As expected the news traveled faster than light. It was the new hot topic on many social media platforms. Day's manager called him asking about it. Day explained everything saying he could lose his job and fame but couldn't lose Seo Jun.

His manager didn't say anything. She accepted and respected his decision but the problem was with the upper hand who were pretty mad. Day told Hwa Young to drop him off at the company before the apartment. She did as told and turned the car to the company. As expected when they reached, many people were there to get more information. Day got out with Seo Jun and walked into the building and told Seo Yeong and Hwa Young to wait at the parking lot. They walked up the floors to the meeting room. Seo Jun sat down alongside Day and waited for the others to arrive at the meeting room. The meeting was tense. It lasted for at least a half hour. Seo Jun sat there in silence as Day argued with the others. He held Day's hand telling him to calm down. They finally came to a conclusion that there was nothing the company could do other than accept it. They said they would release the statement the day after. As per the companies request Seo Jun gave his personnel information. Day's manager felt as if his dad's name sounded familiar, then it hit her

"Wait are you CEO Mr. Kim Dohyun's son?!? "

Asked Day's manager in shock. Day was confused and asked who that was. Seo Jun nodded to her embarrassed.

"Who's that?"

"Mr. Kim Dohyun, the CEO of one of the biggest cosmetics companies in Korea. CEO of xxx cosmetics"



Day's Jaw dropped upon hearing who his boyfriend was. Day had initially thought that Seo Jun was just a normal school dropout, but Seo Jun was technically the next CEO of the biggest cosmetics company. Day's face changed to a stunned possum.


He said nervously to Day. Day smacked him on the shoulder

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that?"

"Wait wait, Hyung listen wait"

The Manager stopped Day from hitting him and said they could fight when they get home. Day stopped and sat back down.

She asked why his surname was different and he told how he took his mom's by his mom's will.

She opened her phone to see that Day's fans had already speculated on Seo Jun being Kim Dohyun's son. These people were faster and better than the FBI. They sent Day and Seo Jun back and told them to go back and they will contact Kim Dohyun regarding this. Seo Jun stopped them and said that he would talk to his father himself.

They both went back to the car and Seo Yeong sensed something had happened. She whispered in Seo Jun's ear asking what happened.

"He found out about dad"


"See at least someone gets me"

Said Day, sulking. Seo Jun told Hwa Young to go to their house to see his father. Seo Yeong asked why and Seo Jun explained about it. When they reached there it was already dark. But the house- no the mansion was fully lit up. Day's jaw dropped seeing the size of the house. They got out of the car and walked in the house. As soon as Seo Jun stepped inside, the maids surrounded him, hanging his coat for him and asking what he needed. Seo Jun asked them about his father's whereabouts and the maids informed him that he was in his study. Day was shocked by the treatment he was getting as he stepped inside the house. Seo Yeong wished Seo Jun good luck and went to her room upstairs with Hwa Young. Day felt as if he was in a fairy tale as he walked up the stairs. Even though the house was big, it was empty. Seo Jun opened the huge door to the study. It was just as he imagined. Gloomy room filled with books and more. In the middle of the room were some couches and chairs and beside it was the desk and Kim Dohyun. He stood up surprised to see Seo Jun

"So you do remember that you have a house?"

"Hello Dad"

"Come in... It seems we have a guest"

Day appeared from behind Seo Jun. He bowed and greeted him. His dad told him to sit down and be comfortable. He asked what was the reason he was here. 

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