Chapter: 10

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It was valentines day. Day had a fan meeting. After he was done with the event, He rushed back home knowing Seo Jun was waiting for him. When He reached back, He saw that nobody was at his place. He went up to Seo Jun's to be welcomed by warm lights decorating the place. There was a home cooked meal which looked fancy at the same time. Seo Jun was waiting for him with chocolates and a bouquet of flowers. He took the flowers in his hands with a big smile hugging Seo Jun.

They both sat down at the table, decorated with candles and elegant décor. Seo Jun poured the wine into their glasses. They clinked glasses, having a heart to heart conversation, Seo Jun sneaking in some pick up line in between making Day roll his eyes.

After having their dinner and talking they both laid on the couch watching the TV under the blanket, cuddling with each other.

Just as they were watching, Day got a call. He picked it up and talked for some time, Making Seo Jun intrigued on who he was talking to. After he hung up, He looked at Seo Jun with a weird look. Seo Jun asked what it was and Day told him that he had to go to the company for an urgent meeting. Day promising to make up for it. Seo Jun was disappointed but he couldn't do anything. He offered to drop him off.

They both grabbed their coats and Seo Jun drove him to the company, and waited for him to return. After an hour or so, Day returned. They drove back and went back to Seo Jun's place.

"It's pretty late, let's go to sleep then Hyung"

"No, I said I'll make of for it"


Day pushed him on the bed, Seo Jun looking up at him turned on. Day dimmed the lights and moved closer to the bed. Seo Jun grinned as he pulled Day's hand and pulled him on to him, locking him by holding him by the waist. He pulled him in for a kiss by the neck with his other hand. Seo Jun eating him up.

Seo Jun moved up, sitting Day on top of him. Pulling Day by rocking, pulling his ass closer, closing the gap between them. Day holding his neck, and Seo Jun holding his waist. Day pulled away to remove his shirt. Seo Jun looked at him with seductive eyes. Day tossed the shirt to the side, and let Seo Jun kiss his waist. Seo Jun kissed down his stomach, making Day Moan ever so slightly. Day ran his fingers through Seo Jun's silky hair. Seo Jun flipped him around, getting on top and taking off his shirt. He got back to kissing Day's body. Moving from his neck to his waist and back up to his lips. Seo Jun leaving marks on Day's pale skin. Day wrapped his arms around Seo Jun's neck and legs clinging on to his waist. Seo Jun's hand squeezing Day's thighs. Day broke the passionate kiss gasping for air.

"Hyung, Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah, just let me catch my breath... okay let's continue"

Seo Jun smiled and continued to kiss him just as he said. Seo Jun lifted Day's thigh towards himself while kissing him passionately. They both fell in sync with each other. Seo Jun slowly moved his hands to Day's pants. Day felt Seo Jun's hand trying to open his pant button. He opened his eyes and pulled away from the kiss. Seo Jun quickly retreated his hand

"Sorry, It's fine if you're not ready"

"No, I want to but... Do you know how to?... I've never done it with a guy"

"Yeah, I looked it up after I started liking you, I'll be as gentle as possible hyung"

Day was nervous about it. Seo Jun placed a small reassuring kiss on his forehead. He opened the drawer of his bedside table to reveal condoms and lube. He took off his and Day's pants and kissed him. Their bare skin running up against each other.

"Wait,... Is that supposed to go in?"

Day asked Seo Jun hesitant. Seo Jun smiled and asked

"I can do both as long as it's with you Hyung. I don't care if I'm bottom or top, as long as I'm doing it with you, I'm fine."

Day stayed silent, looking away. Avoiding his warm eyes. Seo Jun placed his hand on Day's cheek and said

" Let me top you for today and if you don't like it tell me to stop. Okay?"

Day gave him a slight nod. Still unsure but Seo Jun's words comforting him. The warm gaze, the soft touch and the comforting voice.

Seo Jun waited for Day to be back on track and a little bit comfortable by kissing him. He turned Day's face to the side, kissing his jaw to his neck. Slowly moving down. When he reached His abs, He looked up to Day. Day covered his eyes flustered. Seo Jun lifted Day's leg, resting it on his shoulder and kissing his inner thigh while having glances at Day flustered red.

"Don't worry Hyung, I won't put it in just yet, you look quite tensed"

"Shut up"

Seo Jun kissed him as he put his fingers in him, feeling Day tense. Day moaned, rolling his eyes back just by Seo Jun's fingers in him. Day smirked seeing Day's face.

"You're tight Hyung"

Moving his fingers, making Day moan louder. Day held onto Seo Jun tightly, leaving scratches on his back. Just as day loosened up, the sheets dripping wet

"You're so wet Hyung, I don't think we need any lube"

"Shut up and do it"

"Can I really do it? Are you sure?"


Day covered his eyes with his arm, his face turning red.  Seo Jun moved his hand away and said 

"Let me see your face hyung."

"It's too embarrassing"

"It's not. I wanna see your face"

Day looked at Seo Jun to quickly turn his face away. Seo Jun grabbed the condom, ripping the packet with his teeth. 

"Hyung, spread your legs properly"

Seo Jun placed his hand on Days knees, as they spread apart. Thrusting it into him as Day moaned louder with each thrust. Day clung on to Seo Jun's waist with his legs, and neck with his arms.

"Jun-ah~, gentler ngh"

"Hyung, You're taking me in so well"

"Jun-ah, I think I going to cum"

"Do it Hyung"

Seo Jun only going faster on him. Seo Jun whispered 'I love you hyung'.

'I love you too'

After they were done, Day laid on Seo Jun's shoulder, Seo Jun's arms around him, embracing him. Seo Jun teasingly said

"How was I Hyung?"


Day said blushing, avoiding eye contact.

"Just good?"

"Shut up"

"Hyung, I was great wasn't I? You were moaning so loud-"

"Shut up!"

Day covered up his mouth flustered. Seo Jun smiled removing his hand

"But you really sounded so hot"

"Stop before I smack you?"

"Okay okay I'll stop. You're so cute Hyung"

"Shut up"

"I love you Hyung"

"I love you too, now go to sleep"

"Don't you want to shower"

"No~ I'm too tired"

"Okay, We'll wake up in a few hours anyways"

He said, looking at the clock which said 3:45 am.

"come closer Hyung"

Seo Jun pulled him in closer, hugging him. 

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