Chapter 33

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"I am going to chop your head off if you poke me one more time!" I groaned and rolled over to face Taylor, who had been poking my cheek.

He put his hands up in defense and spoke, "Were going to quickly family breakfast before the meet and greet. We are going straight to the venue after breakfast so get up lazy ass!"

I get groaned again and threw myself out of bed. I zombie walked to my suitcase and grabbed a white shirt with the magcon logo on it, red leggings, white vans, and a red Magcon beanie. I went into this bathroom and hopped on the shower. Multiple times I heard Hayes and Taylor tell me they needed to shower but I ignored them. I over heard Taylor say he was gonna go into Cams room and shower and Hayes was gonna go to Matt's room. I got out of the shower and plugged in the blow dryer. I opened he bathroom door to make sure Jessa was up. She was and she was already dressed. She left her hair in her curls from yesterday and was wearing a white shirt with all the boys faces on it, black leggings, silver sparkly vans, and a black Matt Espinosa beanie. She looked cute.

"Nice job!" I yelled to her as I started blow drying my hair.

When I finished, I curled it and then got dressed. I applied mascara then left the bathroom. By this time, Hayes and Taylor were back and on their phones.

"Finally!" Taylor yelled hopping up.

We left the room and went to that lobby where everyone was waiting. All together, we got in the limo and went to I HOP.

After breakfast, we all went to the venue. There was 6 tables set up. There would be groups of two at a table.

Cam and Nash

Jack and Jack

Hayes and Jessa

Me and Taylor

Matt and Carter

Aaron and Shawn

Mahogany was still just gonna run the music for background noise. Around 10 we started and a BUNCH of girls went to mine and Taylor's Table. We took pictures and signed things like shirts, phone cases, and posters. I was so happy when I heard that over half of the girls there thought me and Taylor were their OTP. Some girls gave me dirty looks and were ALL over Taylor but I didn't really care. He would never do that to me. At 1 the meet and greet was over and we all went back to the hotel.

We sst around playing board games when Can got a call from Bart.

"Hey guys, get ready cause we are leaving in 10 minutes to go to a Childrens Cancer hospital so they can meet us," Cam told us.

I was so excited once he told us. This was a great thing to do. I kept my same outfit on and we made outfit away to the limo. I sat next to Taylor and Gilinsky. We all talked about the group's we would go in. We decided the people we room with. We got there right after the groups had been decided and filed out and into the building. The lady at the desk gave each group a list of rooms and our job was to go to each. They asked all the patients before who the top 4 people they wanted to see were. They would be guaranteed to at least see 2 people on their lists. Our first stop was on the first floor to see an eight year old girl with leukemia. Her name is Karly. We found her room and knocked. I heard the banter of small feet on the linoleum and a young girl opened this door. She looked at us as if she was gonna faint. She wanted to meet all 5 of us actually.

"Hi you must be Karly! I'm Rianne," I said and she smiled.

"In know who you are of course. You guys were my top 5 and I'm pretty sure the hospital is being nice to me because in have been her since I was 3," Karly told us, never breaking her smile.

She started hugging us all and when she got to me she whispered in my ear, "you were at the top of my list!" I pulled back and smiled. We took pictures on our phones and her mom took pictures on her own phone. We left and made our way to everyone else's room.

We has one room. The note on the paper says that she has been really depressed since her cancer and didn't really want to meet anyone but they put us down to meet her. Maybe we could cheer her up.

We knocked on the door and I looked through the little window. The from was pitch black. I saw a figure in the corner in a rocking chair. Taylor knocked again but I just walked in.

"I told them I didn't want to meet anyone," she spits, looking to her left at the blank wall.

"They thought you right need some friends and some cheering up," Mahogany says in her bubbly voice.

"calm down over there curly," the girl, Casey, said.

Mahogany looked really hurt but contained herself by moving the toe of her shoe on the ground. I moved closer to Casey and she flinched. She glared at everyone in the room then her eyes softened when she got to me.

"Can you guys leave for a bit," I asked.

They all nodded and I sat on the bed next to the Casey. She looked down at her wrists. I looked too. Despite the heat here, she was as wearing a long sleeve shirt. I turned the bedside lamp on and looked her in the eye. She looked sad, more sad than I have seen anyone in my life. I grabbed her arm gently and pulled up her sleeve. I gasped at the sight and she pulled her arm way and cowarded away. I tugged at her arm again and pulled the sleeve down. I looked at the abundant amount of scars, some still healing.

"Why?" I asked.

"Depression is a side effect of cancer," Casey said softly.

"Lies. Depression is side effect of dying. Have you not seen TFIOS?"

She released a small smile but then it faded.

"Its hard. You wouldnt know," Casey said.

"Explain then. I have nothing but it time," I said, making myself more comfortable.

"It sucks, every day knowing that I might die. I might die tomorrow or in a week. The thought is really scary. And I get sad, no one is here except the nurse and my mom. But that's only in the time when she isn't working one of her 4 jobs. I can't do it anymore, I need to just stop living!" Casey sobbed.

I looked at her scars again. I kissed each one and she flinched as i made my way to the fresher ones. I looked her in the eyes.

"You should never want to die. And you can't fear oblivion, it's inevitable but you have to make the most of everyday. You can't let your self mope around this hospital. It's now to gonna help you. I want to give you something," I finished, grabbing the paper and pen from the desk side table.

I wrote down my number and She watched in shock.

"This is my number. I may not live down here but I will be there for you every step of the way. You can call or text anytime and i will answer as soon as I can okay?"

"Okay. Thank you so much Rianne," Casey said.

"You-you know my name?" I asked shocked.

"I may now have wanted the visit but i still know who you are. Your my favorite."

I smiled at this. I said my good byes and walked out. As I did, I say the room lights all turn onn. This was the perfect day.
Taylor's POV

I saw EVERYTHING that happened in that room. I saw her kissing Casey's scars and her hugging her, ALL of it. I knew Rianne wasn't so bad. I knew she wasn't BAD. I wasn't wrong about her.


Hey guys!

Another part of the title in the story....... I have an idea for some future twists and a kinda of idea for a sequel. Comment if you think I should think about making a sequel. Keep voting commenting!!!!

Love you


Bad but Good but WRONG(A Taylor Caniff/MagCon fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now