Chapter 37

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Rianne's POV

I woke up the next morning instantly worried about Carter. He was still asleep in my arms. I gently removed my arms from around him and hopped in the shower. I did so quickly, not wanting to leave Carter for too long. When I got out, I put on One of the complimentary Robes I tied the belt around my waist and opened the bathroom door to check on Carter. He had just woken up and was on his phone. I ran to him and took the phone away from him. It wasn't a good idea for him to go on it.
"Nope! That's gonna make it worse!" I said putting the phone in the robe pocket.
Carter was red faced and I could practically see the steam coming from his ears. He whipped the covers off and stormed toward the door.
"Carter what's wrong!" I yelled
"Hayes is the fucking problem!" He yelled back
"What did he do Carter? Calm down!"
"Maggie texted me telling me that she sucked Hayes dick while we were dating! Fuck bitch and dumbass 5 year old!"
Carter slumped to the ground crying. What a bitch! I sat next to him and soothed him.
I heard a knock on the door and someone came in. Hayes. Carter leapt up and jumped onto Hayes. He began punching him. Hayes tried fighting back but Carter was stronger, much stronger considering he is under a adrenaline rush. I went to pull carter off but he pulled his arm back to hit Hayes and accidentally nailed me right in the nose. Carter didn't stop though.

"NASH! CAM! COME HERE QUICK!" I yelled crying. I went into the bathroom and got a rag for my nose. I heard Cam and Nash come in and break up the fight.

"What the hell man?" Hayes yells holding his face.

"I thought we were friends you little bitch! I trusted you!" Carter yelled back.

"What are you talking about?"

"Maggie sucked your dick! Don't act like you don't fucking know!"

Hayes was silent. The little slut actually did. Carter collapsed to the floor crying while Nash fucking screamed at Hayes. Hayes was in deep shit now! (A/N I know that nash is actually on Hayes's side but this is pretend!)

I ran to Carter but before I could, I heard the wail of my sister from the doorway. She had heard everything.

"Jess, I ca-" Hayes started.

"Don't. I don't want to hear it," She said firmly being strong.

Mac came rushing in and I was thankful. I could deal with Jessa while she could be there here for Carter. I ran to my baby sister but she gave me a look that said not here. We walked down to the room she was sharing with Hayes, Nash, and Cam. We sat on the bed and she laid on me and cried.

"I wanted to seem strong infront of him," she sobbed.

"I know princess, I know," I cooed.

The boys came in after a while and Hayes attempted to talk to Jessa.

"Hayes, I'm sorry but I think its the best if we break up. We can still be friends but im not in the mood to get hurt, again," she says.

I think the whole thing with Hayes's cousin really prepared her for the real thing. She cried for 15 minutes then got dressed for Magcon.

Jessa left the room and I talked to Cameron.

"Well?" I ask.

"Well everyone is still coming to Magcon today but after today Hayes is going home. Nash felt it was right to tell him Mom was Hayes has been up to," Cam informed

I nodded, this was better for everyone, I thought.

Mahogany announced us all. When she got to Carter, the crowd booed and called him names like pedophile or perv. He looked around at the fans like a deer In headlights. One voice over the whole crowd stood out to me. Maggie's.

"BOOO! Fucking asshole!" She yelled.

Me and Mac both heard and saw her. I hopped off stage and went to where she was standing. I grabbed her hair from behind her and pulled her back into the chair.


"WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO COME HERE AND CALL HIM NAMES WHEN YOU ARE A PERV TOO? HAYES IS FUCKING 14! HOW OLD ARE YOU? 17?" I scream again. as I bring my arm back to punch her, someone grabs my elbow. I whip around to see Carter?

"Its not fucking worth it," He says trying to stay calm.

Then Maggie has the nerve to look him in the face and say, "Should I ruin your career even more by saying that you raped me?"

"I NEVER did that!" He cried.

That's it. I popped her in the face and she fell back into some fans. They shoved her off of them and onto the ground.

"We still love you Carter," They say.

He tries to give them a smile but fails and begins crying. He runs out of the event and I tell Mac to stay with him.

We continue Magcon and when its over I call Mac.

(m-Mac R-Rianne)

M- Hello?

R- Hey magcon is over we are on our way. How is he?

M-Well uh I don't know.

R-What do you mean 'I don't know'

M-Well I couldn't find him after he left eh venue. I know he isn't stupid enough o go to the hotel so I am all over Indiana looking for him

R-Oh my god okay we will help see ya soon.

*End of call*

"Guys, Mac cant find carter!" I yell.

I get concerned comments and we make a game plan.
"Okay see you later guys," I said walking to the hotel with Taylor.

We decided to go to the hotel just incase he came back. The walk was short and Taylor and I talked minimal. I was so worried about him. I love Carter and I don't know what would happen if we never found him. In the elevator, Taylor said he would check everyone elses rooms and I said I would check his room.

I used the spare key Carter gave me and opened the door. I checked his bed, Matt's bed, under all the beds, every nook and cranny. Last but not the least the bathroom. I opened the door and screamed. Carter was on the floor, puddle of blood surrounding him, and an open pill bottle with its contents spilling everywhere.

I heard Taylor run in and gasp but I was still froze. He called 911 and all the boys. The hospital and the coroner came. they took him to the ambulance and tried to revive him. I watched the whole thing. The boys, Mahogany, Jessa and Mac tried talking to me, comforting me but I stayed like a statue. Emotionless and still. It wasn't until the coroner took his body away that I realize it.

Carter Reynolds was dead.


Don't hate me! And I know about the suicide thing he threatened but he didn't do it! But remember this is all FAKE and before you say omg what a bitch she killed Carter it was only because of the situation that occurred and my story needed some flare. this is all FAKE NOT REAL. So don't get mad.


Bad but Good but WRONG(A Taylor Caniff/MagCon fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now