Chapter 39

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"What are you doing here?" I asked as I reached out to touch him.
He leaned away from my touch.
"You can't do that Rianne. I'm here because you need me. When I needed you, you were there. So now I'm here," he explained
"Bu-but your dead. I saw them pronounce you dead! I saw them take you away!" I cried
"Shhh, yes I am but I'm not dead in your heart."
"I miss you so much."
"I mi-" he was cut off
"Ri? What are you doing up here?" Taylor yelled
I frantically looked around for Carter. He was gone.
Taylor ran to me and enveloped me in his arms. He whispered calming things in my ear as I cried and cried.
"Baby can you explain?" He asked after I calmed a bit.
"I was sitting in the edge and Carter was sitting next to me. He told me when I needed him that he would be here like I was for him," I managed to say.
"It was like his ghost was here. Or maybe it was a figment of my imagination."
"Maybe he was here baby. And I'm really sorry, I know that you didn't want to be in love with Carter," Taylor said softly.
"I didn't, I just wanted to be his friend sooner," I said looking down
"Let's get inside," Taylor helped me up and continued to hold me.
We went back into the hotel room where everyone was gathered. Everyone was still in a circle but they were silent, and all holding hands.
"What's going on guys?" Taylor asked
"Nothing. Just sitting," Nash said
"Maybe we should do a oujia board to see if we can talk to Carter!" Mac said
We all have her disgusted looks.
"The the hell is wrong with you?!" Matt yelled
"Are you fucking crazy? He is our friend that literally just died and that is fucking weird to do a oujia board!" Matt yelled again
"Woah woah calm down now!" Aaron said
"No she's a dumb bitch who doesn't think about anything! Just leave Mac, you aren't even apart of the tour!" Matt yelled
Mac looked shocked. She looked at everyone and we all put our heads down. No one really got along too well with her.
"I see how it is. Fine I'm gone," Mac said, tears streaming down her face.
I thought about going after her but decided against it.
Taylor and I joined the circle but everyone stopped holding hands.
"Maybe we should use this to become way closer with each other," Shawn suggested
"I agree. Maybe everyone shares 2 secrets they never told anyone and nobody can get mad," Cameron said
As I sat here, I thought about how much Carter would have loved this. Everyone sharing and becoming closer. God I wish he was here.
"So I will go first and say my 2 secrets and then we o around once until everyone has shared. And don't get mad if someone has like the same secret such as liking someone," Shawn explained
"How about if anyone has done something kinda similar or its almost the same they raise their hand and explain," I suggested
Everyone nodded and I cuddled into Taylor.
"I kissed Mac while she was here," Shawn stated.
Aaron's face got red when Cameron, Jack G, and Matt raised their hands.
Matt went first, "she pushed me into the wall and kissed me and I pushed her off. I wasn't gonna tell anyone."
"Um well she kinda forced me to have sex with her," Cam admitted
"HOW DID SHE FORCE YOU?" Aaron yelled
"She told me she would expose my secret! And I don't know how she found out!" Cam yelled
"That's the same thing that happened to me," jack G said.
"I was gonna tell the secret when it was my turn," cam said
"Same." Jack agreed
"My other secret is that my dad punched me when I was little, that's why I have my lazy eye," Shawn said.
Taylor raised his hand
"My dad used to beat me," He said
This reminded me of Insurgent when Tris and Four were in Candor under the truth serum. I was tempted to say thank you for your Candor.
"My secrets are that Mac isn't my sister but my cousin who we took in and I have a big crush on Jessa." Aaron's said quickly
Matt and Shawn raised their hands.
I looked shocked. I mean Jessa had just turned 15 but Matt just turned 17! No way. Aaron Shawn are 16 so yes but Matt no.
Jessa looked down bright red. We continued going.
Finally Cams turn came and he shocked us all.
"I got a random girl pregnant. And when she found out she told me and I wasn't supportive. So she killed herself," he started balling his eyes out.
I left Taylor's arms and went to Cameron. I gave him a hug and he cried on my shoulder. Jack G went next.
"I'm dating Madison Beer," he said
Gasps erupted thought the room and Cams head shot up but he calmed down. Nobody was judging.
There was only 2 people left to share. Me and Jessa. Jessa was next but she looked confident.
"I knew that Hayes and Maggie had been keeping a secret from everyone because we used each other as cover ups. My other secret is that I'm dating Grayson Dolan. And Hayes knew too."
I looked at my sister horrified. Matt, Aaron and Shawn looked down embarrassed.
Jessa looked at me and I gave her a dirty glare. She looked away, with tears. I'm only mad because she should have said something to me or Carter sooner. It could have prevented his death! I was pissed. Everyone exchanged glances meaning they knew what I was thinking.
Now it was my turn. I was gonna tell the biggest secret I ever had. Jessa was gonna freak.
"This is something only my parents, grandparents and aunts and uncles know. It's the biggest secret ever and it's not about me. Jessa you can't freak and tell mom and dad I said anything okay?"
She nodded nervously. Here goes nothing.
"Jessa, your....... Adopted."
hey guys just to let you know like none of the boys secrets are real. Only Jack G's😂 tbh I love Madison so hate on me if you want but to do that you would have I comment and no one ever does so yeah!
Hope you enjoyed!

Bad but Good but WRONG(A Taylor Caniff/MagCon fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now