Chapter 43

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I know I said in the previous chapter this was his funeral day but it is going to be both the funeral and wake. Wake in this today place and the funeral tomorrow but all in one chapter. Thanks. Enjoy.

I managed to get myself dressed after staring into space for 20 minutes. I had on a long, black, lace dress with no sleeves. I braided my hair and twirled it into a bun. I put on blush and water proof mascara and some light pink lipstick. I exited the bathroom and found my room empty. I grabbed my earrings of the bedside table and slipped on my black flats. The closet soon was in front of me and I grabbed Carter's entire suitcase. Out of it I pulled out his diamond hat and the two chains he told me to grab. Before leaving the room, I got my purse which contained my tissues and phone.

I knocked on Cameron's door and he opened it, exposing everyone else: Nash, Hayes(who came back just for today,) Gilinsky, Johnson, Shawn, Matt, Aaron, Jessa, and Taylor. Taylor ran to me and enveloped me in a hug. Soon, there was a big group hug and everyone silently wept. Couple of minutes later, we drug our way through the lobby and to the limo. The driver made the 20 minute drive to the funeral home while we played Carter's favorite songs through the aux cord. I let occasional tears slip out of my eyes and Taylor wiped them away every time they fell. I was so lucky to have someone like him. He means the world to me and I could never live without him.

We pulled up to the funeral home and I just lost it. I couldn't do this. I couldn't face my best friend, his family, everyone who ever loved him. I was one of those people. It was in this moment I realized that I was one of those people. I loved Carter. And I don't think it was as my best friend. But maybe it was and I was confused because this was a messed up day. All of the boys helped me out of the car and hugged me as I walked past. I loved these boys more than I love myself. They are the reason I want to breathe and live. We all formed one big line and held hands as we walked up to the funeral doors I saw Carter's mom inside so I released Taylor and Jessa's hands and pushed open the doors and ran to her. I enveloped her into a big hug and we cried on each others shoulders.

"I'm so sorry about all of this," I softly said.

"It's not your fault, It's Maggie's. She is an awful girl," She whispered back.

Her accent is still so thick and it makes me laugh. I told her how much I love her accent and how it always makes my day. We both giggled which was nice considering the day.

"Would you like to go see him?" She asked

"I think I'm going to wait for my sister and Taylor," I replied, giving her a small smile.

She nodded and released my hand, walking over to people who had just entered, I found my way back over to Taylor. He grabbed my hand.

"Why don't we all go at once, circle around the coffin, be a family with him one last time," Cameron suggested.

"He will always be our family no matter if he's dead or not," I snapped, irritably.

"I'm sorry Rianne, but shall we?" Cameron said again.

I nodded and made my way to the front of everyone, along with Taylor. I gripped Carter's things tightly and gulped down hard. Almost there. Taylor squeezed my hand. Even closer. Jessa came and looped her arm through mine. There. I looked down at his permanently closed eyes, his sewn together lips, his fake looking hands. I lost it. The family all gathered around the casket and held hands. I fell onto the kneeling thing and sobbed. My head was perfectly at the edge so I could still see him. This wasn't real. It had to be some horrific dream. This can't be happening. 

We stayed like this for 15 minutes, and all the boys were crying now too. I managed to get off the ground and I laid my hand over his. I touched his baby soft cheeks. I took the chains and fastened them around his neck. I took the hat a placed it firmly over his quiffed up hair. My tears fell onto his suit. God he hates suits. I looked down to his feet and noticed his Black Jordans. This made me laugh so hard and I showed everyone else. God that kid loved his shoes. We all cried and laughed as one, big family. Carter's mom joined us and cried and laughed also.

Bad but Good but WRONG(A Taylor Caniff/MagCon fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now