Chapter 41

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Jessa was actually my cousin. My missing uncle accidentally got a girl pregnant and we took the baby off her hands. Jessa never looked anything like any of us and that's why I am a little surprised that she didn't figure it out before now. I sat down next to my baby sister and pulled her in close.

"You know I knew all along right?" She said, rubbing her nose on the sleeve of her sweater.

"What? How?" I asked, confused.

"I don't look anything like you, mom, or dad. And one day when I was looking through one of mom's old photo albums that was at grandma's, I saw a picture of Uncle Patrick and some girl named Alice from 2001. I look just like the girl but with Uncle Pat's hair color. From then, I knew i most likely wasn't moms," Jessa explained.

I couldn't believe it. Pure shock must have been written all over my face because Jessa answered more questions that I had been pondering.

"From then on I only pretended to get mad when they treated you better because I knew that I was always the mistake that got shoved at them. I was nothing more than mom's baby brothers fuck up. And the reason I cried so much in front of everyone was because number 1, I had to make them think I didn't know and number 2 it made it hurt a little bit more when I found out it was actually true and that you knew all along and never told me until now. There was this little part of me that hoped it wasn't true and that's why it hurt more to be told it was."

"Jessa, I am so sorry," I said in such a soft whisper I felt like my words had been carried away by the breeze.

"That's why Uncle Pat isn't around, isn't it?" Jessa asked

"Yeah, he never wanted to see you and have you figure out. It was the deal he made with mom, dad, and grandma."

For a while, Jessa and I sat there, holding each other and watching the traffic move by. It wasn't until all the boys came outside we realized what time it was. They helped us up and inside we went. Slumber came down on everyone like a brick falling from the sky. We all fell asleep, cuddled together like one big family. And it was in that moment, that I knew I could never leave. Ever.


No this isn't the end people! Just a way to have a time hop *SPOILER*

What did you think of the reveal? Leave your opinions in the comments below and sorry for not updating for a while.

BTW New story up check it out.

Peace out home dogs


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