Chapter 27

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We were walking up the front steps of Taylor's house and I thought I was gonna die. I was so nervous and im pretty sure he could tell. We had just dropped Jessa and Hayes off at his friends house and he promised me that nothing wood happen to my baby sissy. The deal we made was she could go there but on new years eve she had to be with me because you never know what could happen at parties. Taylor looked at me and I nodded and in we went. His house smelt really good.... like food.. A women, looking in her mid-30s approached us with out stretched arms. She went right passed Taylor and came straight to me. I was a little taken back but I began hugging her back. She wore the same perfume as my mom, some Ralph Lauren stuff. It was comforting. She pulled back and her smile was from ear to ear.

"You must be Rianne! Taylor never stops talking about you. And im not one of those moms to say stuff just to appease you. I tell it like it is. But he was right your nothing less then stunning!" She exclaimed.

I blushed and quickly added a thank you Mrs. Caniff.

"Oh honey, call me Sarah." (Ik that's probably not her real name but just pretend!)

I smiled and nodded. I heard the pitter patter of little feet running through the foyer. A little boy, about 5, came bull rushing at Taylor. I assumed this was Tristan. Taylor told me everything about him, from his fear of never seeing Taylor again to his love of curly fries. He was even cuter in person.

"TAYLOR I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!" Tristan yelled enveloping Taylor in a hug.

"Awww bud I missed you too!" Taylor said kissing Tristans head.

Tristan smiled at me and then whispered something in Taylor's ear. Taylor nodded and stood up. He grabbed my hand and we all went to the kitchen. Taylor's mom had a table FULL of food. Taylor's dad was already seated at the head of the table with his IPad out. Taylor grunted with a disappointed look on his face and his dad's head snapped up.

"Hi you must be Rianne. I'm Dave and that's was you can call me. Now let's dig in!" Dave yelled.

I frowned. Taylor's dad was kinda rude. Taylor sensed my distress and squeezed my hand under the table. I piled onto my plate a steak, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, mixed veggies, and garlic bread slices. His family looked at me like I was crazy but Taylor, oh Taylor looked at me with complete and utter adoration and prou

dness. Sarah noticed his look and smiled at me and winked. She knew her son was taken care of, she knew he was in love, she knew I was the one.


Sorry another filler. Next chapter I think I'm gonna just skip to new years eve Partayy! Love you


Bad but Good but WRONG(A Taylor Caniff/MagCon fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now